Halo Unstable hook but great features

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by bbishop, Dec 24, 2021.

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  1. bbishop

    bbishop Member

    Aug 17, 2021
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    I'll preface this by saying I have tried almost everything to fix crashes, freezes, and BSODs. I've been able to resolve the latter two on my own (freezing and BSODs), but the crashing to desktop still happens every couple games or so.

    The reason I say I've almost tried everything is because my ticket is still open and I am holding out hope that they'll suggest a working solution soon or that a developer will pick up the issue and see it get fixed, but for now I must say the last few days have been a very disappointing experience as well as an exhausting one due to the amount of fiddling and configuring I have done to my system and game, not to mention all the searching for a potential fix.

    Now, all of that being said, Engine Owning left a great impression on me with their Warzone hook. Being fair, I cannot deny that the Halo hook's feature set has done the same, I was very pleased with the features, not only does it have a visibility check built in for the Aimbot, but it also has an Always-On mode for aiming - which is not normally needed for your average shooter, but it's a great attention to detail for Halo specifically that most competitors have either overlooked or not yet implemented (as simple as it may be to do so).

    I hope this trend of attention to detail continues as EO evolves their Halo hook, because it would be nice to see a more feature complete ESP system and more configurable Aim smoothing, but such features are the last on my wishlist compared to fixing the consistent CTDs. So to other users, be warned about Halo hook's stability, and to the staff/developers, please don't be discouraged by my disappointment as I look forward to continue using EO when possible.
  2. .0

    .0 Super Moderator Staff Member Super Moderator Moderator

    Feb 2, 2016
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    thanks for the early feedback.

    We are aware of the crashing and bluescreen issues alot of users experience. As far as im informed, the issue is related to the driver/hypervisor rather than the Halo cheat iself. With the upcoming update on warzone/vanguard we are implementing hypervisor technology for these products as well. At the moment we are working non-stop to locate possible issues and fix them step by step in order to make the experience as smooth and fun as possible. This will most likely also fix the stability issues within the halo cheat.

    As for the Halo features, we are also working on crashfixes and compability improvements as well while figuring out driver related bugs and crashes. We mainly focus on the above mentioned polishing before trying to add more features into it, but definetely planned on additional ESP settings for items, incoming grenades and many more.
    slickwick2021, bbishop and d09 like this.

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