
Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by NateDog90, Dec 30, 2021.

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  1. NateDog90

    NateDog90 Customer Customer

    Oct 22, 2021
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    The good people at Eo Have everything under Control. They have the best cheats any senior could have i have been with Eo for many years now i'm a 70 year old man i would not expect any ETA but some times i wonder if i'm going to cark it before Eo ever returns. i see all these people giving a review on these cheats even tho the cheats are not active do i get some sort of extra bonus for giveing a review ?. i don't know i'll let my nurse figger it out. sometimes it feels like i'm in a war that i never fort but its been a while now i don't know what's going on..i would just like to say thank you Eo you guy's made me feel like i'm in my 20' - 30's againg keep up the good work.. (emoji) ("thums up")
  2. Homie

    Homie Super Gorilla Staff Member Super Moderator Moderator

    Nov 9, 2020
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    Thank you for the review
    talibanzuzhi likes this.

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