Modern Warfare (2019) Review of Loader and Menu

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by shoryuken580, Apr 4, 2020.

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  1. shoryuken580

    shoryuken580 Member

    Mar 29, 2020
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    This menu is a easy to use, simple to install and setup. It holds your hand and wont open the game App if it has not injected the code properly.

    The aimbot itself is a very reliable tool to use, either for raging with a LMG, or people being the non the wiser about your scores. It's simple to setup and configure to suit whatever your need is.

    Comes with standard Box and Skeleton ESP, and a 2D radar, which is the best tool to utilize if you arent a fan of bounding boxes and it can save you from staring through walls to line up your shots.

    Very helpful in Warzone to track down the loot boxes and get the good weapons.

    Overall very satisfied with the product on sale, and dont regret purchasing one bit.
  2. LogixX

    LogixX Customer Customer

    Apr 5, 2018
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    Hey @shoryuken580 ,

    thanks for your review! I have extended your sub with extra days. :)

    Kind Regards

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