Modern Warfare (2019) My Review On EO's Warzone Cheat

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by ItzBot, Dec 8, 2020.

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  1. ItzBot

    ItzBot Member

    Sep 10, 2020
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    #1 ItzBot, Dec 8, 2020
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2020
    I've been using EO now for almost 2 months, This is my Rating for the cheat
    Aimbot- 10/10
    Overall Rating Of Cheat - 9.5/10
    Since my time being here i can say that this is the best Cheat on the market, ive used it everyday for the past month and a half. the cheat is extremely hard to play legit with only because it is so great, But it is great for legit play ive tested on warzone and Multiplayer it works great for both, there are no Flaws to the cheat.
    I Will be extending my sub time once again, Best Prices Around and Easiest Setup By Far,
    SloppyJohny7 likes this.
  2. Kayn-Main

    Kayn-Main Member

    Dec 8, 2020
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    HI, i just discovered this cheat and played a couple games with it.. i got a 3 days sub but i'm kinda concerned coz it doesn't show the time you have left when activating the cheat as other cheats do. Also, what happens when the game updates ? do they notify us subscribers when the cheat has been updated and when its functional again ? do they add some time compensation following the game and cheat update ? and lastly, could you kindly share your EO in game settings with me please ? I still struggle with the aimbot which aims at enemies behind walls and at very very far locations i cant even see. and it also flicks to quickly to other enemies nearby when i down. is there a way to cancel this flick ? and also whats the use of a trigger bot ? i know im asking a lot of questions but if u could help itll be very much appreciated. thanks
  3. heeses

    heeses Customer Customer

    Nov 7, 2020
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  4. jerrydavidss

    jerrydavidss Member

    Oct 3, 2020
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    [QUOTE = "Kayn-Main, publicación: 225388, miembro: 182911"] Hola, acabo de descubrir este truco y jugué un par de juegos con él ... obtuve un suscriptor de 3 días, pero estoy un poco preocupado porque no muestra el tiempo que te queda al activar el truco como lo hacen otros trucos. Además, ¿qué sucede cuando el juego se actualiza? ¿Nos notifican a los suscriptores cuando el truco se ha actualizado y cuando vuelve a funcionar? ¿Agregan alguna compensación de tiempo después del juego y la actualización de trampas? y por último, ¿podría compartir conmigo su EO en la configuración del juego, por favor? Todavía lucho con el aimbot que apunta a los enemigos detrás de las paredes y en lugares muy, muy lejanos que ni siquiera puedo ver. y también se mueve rápidamente a otros enemigos cercanos cuando caigo. ¿Hay alguna forma de cancelar esta película? y también cuál es el uso de un bot de activación? Sé que estoy haciendo muchas preguntas, pero si pudiera ayudarlo, se lo agradecería mucho. gracias [/ QUOTE]
    simplemente no puedes inyectar cuando esta actualizando
  5. patse123

    patse123 Member

    Nov 29, 2020
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    Hi Kayn, i bought 3 DAY key and got extra days for the downtime when they updated the cheat, U can see from the "status" if the cheat is being updated or not! You can see how many days you got left when you open the menu and press MW 2019, before you inject it, it shows when it expires right side where some update info is (first thing u see on the top), I just bought 30 DAY key because EO is probs cheapest and best one in the market atm
    Kayn-Main likes this.

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