My review for v3.

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by Oh Rockits, Oct 31, 2015.

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  1. Oh Rockits

    Oh Rockits Customer Customer

    Dec 6, 2014
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    Hello, I have decided to write my review about V3.
    The aimbot I dislike for some odd reason, I thought it would be much better how ever I think version 2.0 was a lot better........ Well for non host. The improvements still need work. The only thing I think that has improved is the options and the silent aim. How ever with the options many of their big hits got removed. I am not sure if they have the addresses for force jug or swap team because I can't manage to find them now ever since the new update how ever I am a lazy ******. I miss the save config because the original default config.... Sucks. I think EO tried to get more into the modding when people want an aimbot imo... I personally rebought EO lifetime to give v3 a shot. Would I recommend ordering the cheat? Yes. How come? Well, it has its potential. It's by far one of the best selling cheats for MW3. Honestly, I'd recommend buying it for a month and wait till they update it some more. Also the options have gone really low. Therefore I dislike it. If I could have it something more like nC that would be wonderful. Also under the MW3 section all the things they sell HAVE NOT BEEN UPDATED and has been mentioned SEVERAL TIMES. Those are the complaints that I have with EO and takes a bit of time for them to update the cheat... Overall I rate this cheat a 7.5 out of 10 because the cheat is not fully done yet. Once it's done I'd be more then happy to right another review about the updated versions as what I've done in the past. Oh and one last thing the host options for this cheat has impressed me most out of any other cheat such as Baunti, ***, and many others. The host options are great such as auto wall, unfair aimbot, and other options are great. I do not tend for this to be a negative review, I intend it to be something that they could work on. The cheat overall is quite well done built, it's just an early release and is not ready yet. And yes I am aware of the reason for the early release.
    HACKCHOOB, soeni77 and c1pher like this.
  2. c1pher

    c1pher Member Customer

    Jul 24, 2015
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    Hey Oh Rockits,

    First of all, thank you for your review.
    To answer to some of the things you mentioned:
    • Force Juggernaught is available by pressing 'del' to open EO's console and then entering 'fj'.
    • You will be able to switch teams with switch (also in the console)
    • Saving and Loading is achievable by entering 'save "profilename"' or 'load "profilename"' into the console.
    • There is also a force class mod (enter 'fc "classnumber"') to force a specific class (great for infected).
    Please note that some of these features aren't working, but most should work as advertised. As you said, this is still an early state of a completely rewritten hack.

    - c1pher​
    Cuswen, HACKCHOOB, soeni77 and 2 others like this.
  3. Oh Rockits

    Oh Rockits Customer Customer

    Dec 6, 2014
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    #3 Oh Rockits, Oct 31, 2015
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2015
    Thank you, how ever I can't get the console type anything :p
  4. c1pher

    c1pher Member Customer

    Jul 24, 2015
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    It should open when you press 'DEL' on your keyboard.
  5. Oh Rockits

    Oh Rockits Customer Customer

    Dec 6, 2014
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    It does how ever I can't type anything it says can't load config lmao
  6. c1pher

    c1pher Member Customer

    Jul 24, 2015
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    you can type stuff afaik, but you might need to adjust the console window so its completely shown, do that in the normal hack GUI.
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 31, 2015 ---
    Just adjust the Y value to about 180, that should work if I remember correctly.
  7. AimBRoT

    AimBRoT Member Customer

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Its a bug ._.
    The online configs only work for skyfail and lion xD
    Death and Oh Rockits like this.

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