Modern Warfare (2019) My honest review

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by XtraoSnipes, Jun 17, 2020.

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  1. XtraoSnipes

    XtraoSnipes Member

    Mar 31, 2020
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    I have had this cheat since 31st of March and its the best cheat i have ever tried, i have tried 2 cheats, EO and some other one which is around same price but shittier. EO dominates in several areas.

    Prediction: 9/10 | The prediction is near perfect from sniping with attachments like mono suppressor to spraying people out of the sky with an SMG, you will almost never miss.

    Aim lock: 10/10 | Locks onto the thing im actually aiming at and doesn't require anything other than holding down RMB (depends on config.)

    Some cheats i have used do not support languages other than English (lol) however this ESP supports every single character in someones username. Fully Customizable, different designs (2d, 2d brackets, 3d, 3d brackets, filled, few others i believe.) you can even change the colors, although a hex/color picker would make the ESP look way more customizable, the custom colors work and look very clean. 7/10, to improve i would like a hotkey to toggle item ESP and maybe add a health esp on players.

    The GUI is pretty basic and kinda boring, would like to see some custom stuff like maybe an IMGUI design or add some transparency, honestly a new GUI would make the cheat a way better experience however it is still a very easy to navigate GUI. 6/10.
    Jonasx17, nunuac20, Bluffy and 4 others like this.
  2. nunuac20

    nunuac20 Member

    Feb 23, 2020
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    All this is good for sure. Being a customer for months now, I can say that the only downside is the staff. For the most part, you will get left in the dark about what's going on and then get attitude when you ask a question.. You'll get something like, "update will be done in 1-2 days" and then nothing after 4 days going to 5.. Or just now, the menu is "up" but is not pulling the file for whatever reason. It causes your computer to crash when running it. You have to run it to see if it works again...Soooo, it's a slight inconvenience. I post a thread to ask for a simple update on when it's good to go. Of course, they delete my posts and many others from other people. It's just sad to see such a good menu like this be under this kind of supervision.
    VitaminSEA and DannyOwnage like this.
  3. Aimbot

    Aimbot Member

    Nov 20, 2016
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    #3 Aimbot, Jun 18, 2020
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2020
    Thank you for your review!

    I posted multiple time that we are aware of the issue and people kept spamming new threads instead of reading so we delete them. I also announced it being fixed in a bunch of threads as well we did in the hundreds of tickets we received about it.

    We stopped giving out eta's (which stands for estimated time of arrival btw) because its hard to predict how long we need for certain things. The last few past update didnt take longer than one hour. Please also dont forget that your paying a really low price for what you get so dont expect 24/7 support.
    Hossamalghamdi likes this.
  4. BigBurvo

    BigBurvo Member

    Jun 15, 2020
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    I think once you've been around this scene for long enough, you know how things work. Wait and be patient. Yes you paid. Yes you deserve to know. But making threads and spamming mods isn't going to help.
    Torren_tony and Aimbot like this.
  5. M_chungy

    M_chungy Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    Quick question, you know when you load cod and then the EO menu pops up with the different cheat selections and then you choose your setting then close it to save the changes.. How do you pull the cheat menu back after you closed it? Is there a certain button?
  6. BigBurvo

    BigBurvo Member

    Jun 15, 2020
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    Insert is the menu key.
    M_chungy likes this.

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