Modern Warfare (2019) Mod Review

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by Armaan Singh, Jun 7, 2020.

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  1. Armaan Singh

    Armaan Singh Member

    May 2, 2020
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    so its been a hell of a ride with Engine Owning
    For my review this is how ill break it down

    I started off as a noob and used whatever mods i could, ended up getting softbanned around level 100, played legit , softban ended in a week. 2nd softban was at level 140, played legit and it ended.

    Have not gotten softbanned anymore and i get 10+ kills A match, honestly a combination of modding smarter and less obvious.

    Anyways for anyone that gets softbanned just play legit for a week and youll be safe.

    Currently level 155
    2.5 k/d

    Overalll mod is as safe as YOU make it. Great AntiBan and even better Staff. Thanks team!
    Daniel M. likes this.

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