Modern Warfare (2019) How I successfully use EO

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by enzok96, Feb 4, 2022.

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  1. enzok96

    enzok96 Member

    Jun 26, 2021
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    In this I'll be describing my successful experiences as of recent with EO.
    Take everything with a grain of salt, since we all have different experiences, no one persons experience will be the same.

    So, I've used EO since early 2021, pre-ricochet. THAT WAS THE GOLDEN ERA OF CHEATS.

    Now, we have Ricochet.

    A couple things worth noting if you wish to use EO successfully and not be banned after 2 games.

    1) REPORTS is what get's you banned quickly, NOT EO: I've played on over 30+ accounts, each with different timespans of play. I've played with softhacks (ESP/No Recoil/No Bullet Spread, silent aim), and I've played with hardhacks (the shit that gets you permabanned) all under Ricochet. I noticed that with the new anti-cheat, EO goes undetected, but I started counting how many times players will say "he's cheating", and saw a direct correlation to how quickly my account was banned. Soft hacking is the most successful way of having longevity with your cheats. Only use ESP/No Recoil/No Bullet Spread if you want your accounts to last more than a day. Bottom line, there's a greater chance you'll be banned from reports than banned from the anti-cheat recognizing EO.

    2) Get a SPOOFER: doesn't have to be EO's, but you're definitely gonna need one as COD has started doing HWID bans/flags. I've used EO's and it's fine, but I've noticed the fatal flaw as of late. EO's spoofer is only good ONCE YOU TURN IT ON. This is an issue because a REAL spoofer is activated the moment you turn on your computer, AND it cycles through different Hardware ID's the moment your PC is activated and before the anti-cheat is activated. If you're a conspiracy theorist like me, you'll believe that COD's anti-cheat system is active even before you launch the application, so in theory, the anti-cheat could potentially detect your Hardware even before you launch the launcher/battlenet. I've found much more success in using a spoofer that has an active cycle the moment your PC is turned on. I've also heard talks of COD doing IP bans, so if you get a spoofer, and you don't have a VPN, take a look into a VPN just in case. If you don't have a VPN, I'd recommend one naturally so you can keep private information safe as well. So if you plan on softhacking for a good amount of time, GET A SPOOFER.

    3) Careful with Silent Aim-
    My aim is naturally pretty decent. Prior to hacking I had a 2.7 K/D in multiplayer, so I was hitting my shots, not to toot my own horn. I had amazing natural aim accuracy, and was pretty good at the game without EO. Once I started using silent aim, I was INSANE at the game. Now that Ricochet was released, I started using it again and I've noticed a couple of flags I'd point out;

    A) Adjust your aimbot FOV. EO gives you the option to adjust your aimbot FOV. I keep mine around 20-24 FOV because this is a little outside the reticle of your average weapon which let's you get away with a lot because players will be less likely to question if you hit them or not.

    B) You have to be decent at aiming if you want to get away with it. Otherwise people will notice that you're aiming at a truck and you hit them for all their shield.

    C) There's a GREAT chance your account will be put under review, and they'll look at you for your accuracy Game-over-Game, which means if you're hitting EVERY bullet on your target, you're more than likely going to get banned once they see that you're accuracy is over a 90 percentile, which is the average hit rate of silent aim, and a humans average hit rate is anywhere between 10%-30% (>10% if you're a shitter, >30% if you're a god or something)

    D) You're GOING to get reported if you use silent aim. It doesn't take a genius to notice you're hitting every bullet while using silent aim. So if you don't manage to team wipe, turn off silent aim before you try to team wipe them again, just so they think twice about reporting you.

    4) ESP is fine to use practically all the time- Don't worry about getting caught, so long as you play it off well. If you track them through a wall, get better at cheating nerd.

    5) No Recoil/No Bullet Spread is kinda like Silent Aim- I mean this in regards to how a player can notice silent aim. If you're using a stock SCAR and a weathered player notices it doesn't move an inch when you just mag dumped them, get better at cheating nerd. Mount a wall, or put on attachments to make it look like you're trying to reduce spread/recoil.

    6) Buy accounts- everyone feels different about this. Let me just say, you're main WILL get banned, and quite possibly every other account you own once you start using cheats. They're literally like $1 online to purchase, stop being broke nerd.

    7) AIMBOT ON FULL/TRIGGERBOT WILL GET YOU BANNED RIGHT AFTER THE GAME- Pretty self explanatory. This is also in reference to longevity in my first point. Players will notice, report you, then get you banned. From what I can estimate, I'd say after 5+ reports for cheating, you're banned/placed under review/Shadowbanned.

    All in all, EO is pretty good. I average roughly 3-4 days using 1 account with softhacks. Roughly 1-2 games with hardhacks. You just have to be capable of playing it off well if you decide to cheat. Invest in a spoofer as well. It's worth your time and also a great security measure for you otherwise.

    I would love to hear how others have lasted long using EO and their experiences. Let me know!
  2. Aprute

    Aprute Customer Customer

    Nov 8, 2021
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    Honestly more people need to see this, it's a good post with loads of useful information.
    Didier_Madeira likes this.
  3. FlexLuthor

    FlexLuthor Customer Customer

    Sep 1, 2020
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    The ONLY time I have ever lost accounts is when EO has had some sort of failure or detection. I've went months on multiple accounts barely even getting shadow banned.

    I use aimbot and silent aim (obv esp) but I too was a good player prior to hacks (2.2 kd) My aimbot is activated by a key, and not automatic. My "trick" is that I only use it if I feel I need to. So if someone is headglitching, or you can tell they 2 are cheating, or camping a corner etc. But the ESP should be enough to get the jump and win most gunfights.

    I also keep it on chest, with FOV of 10-15, no aiming at downed players - pretty tame settings. I dont rage. I actually use a foot pedal to switch to a headshot profile for sniping. But I purposeful wont use the aimbot unless I think someone may actually beat me in a sniper battle, or I have to move from gas. If someone is running down the road - no need to aimbot them - they pose no threat to me.

    Since using EO, my KD has on accounts has been 8-10, which is sus for anyone I play with. but so often people who spectate me swear I'm not cheating and that I'm just cracked.

    I know people love to rage, and its what they pay for. But I think if EO was semi-legit only (ESP with low FOV manual aimbot on scan) that people would last longer and maybe we get out of activisions cross hairs and we can keep the cheat up, more than we do down. just my opinion tho - could be way off.
  4. xtremist

    xtremist Member

    Nov 16, 2021
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    2,00kdr with an hack you suck Men
  5. daminionz

    daminionz Customer Customer

    Mar 26, 2020
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    How I successfully use EO

    dude. How about you make a post how to successfully even launch EO? It's been down since ricochet came out LUL
    bessthebaby321 and deedee like this.

    FLANKED_GAMING Customer Customer

    Sep 15, 2020
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    love your post
  7. IWantSlxcky

    IWantSlxcky Customer Customer

    May 26, 2021
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    kinda already knew this lmao
  8. WitmanSampler

    WitmanSampler Customer Customer

    Apr 19, 2021
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    I can attest to what he says. Ive done the same thing basically. Ive only been banned 2 times, and thats because of me raging on my rage account and a manual ban because i was caught by 2 more or less well known streamers. BE ON THE LOOKOUT for ppl streaming, getting clips on you like that and if theyre big enough (like ik IMMARKSMAN dms DEVS directly for manual bans.) they send them privately. WIthout me raging and getting caught on streams, i wouldt have even been banned i bet. And im STILL playing on my MAIN acct that i transferred from ps4. and been going for about 1.5 years now.
    sirvannes likes this.
  9. Homie

    Homie Super Gorilla Staff Member Super Moderator Moderator

    Nov 9, 2020
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    Thank you for the review!

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