Battlefield 4 [German] Best BF4 mit dem ich je gespielt hab :))

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by Ghidorah, Mar 5, 2017.

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  1. Ghidorah

    Ghidorah Member

    Mar 5, 2017
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    #1 Ghidorah, Mar 5, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2017
    The BF4 Cheat is insane! I had played very active before a few months with this Cheat and it was so much fun! Then i stopped playing BF4. Now i bought this cheat again and im playing just a few hours and its absolutely fun. I just can recommend this CHEAT! No matter if youre playing full Rage or Legit its very fun. If youre playing full Rage its very funny to see the people raging in the Chat and cry that youre killing them with an ammunition package. I've made a YouTube Channel and i'll show u some of my adventures. I hope you enjoy :) and this is soppurting the Guys from EngineOwning!

    YouTube: .night完璧
    Deleted member 187 likes this.
  2. Danke für dein Review, habe dir 5 Tage extra gegeben :)
    Ghidorah likes this.
  3. Ghidorah

    Ghidorah Member

    Mar 5, 2017
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    Dankee :)) Freue mich mega über die Verlängerung.

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