Modern Warfare (2019) Crucial Suggestion/Review

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by Zentrix, Apr 12, 2020.

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  1. Zentrix

    Zentrix Member

    Mar 26, 2020
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    Review: Cheat is a solid 8/10 as it gets the job done, but if these two features get added it would make it a 10/10 for me. 10/10 regardless.


    Keybind to toggle aimed down players on and off. For example, if I'm pushing a squad of three, I don't want to hit insert and turn off keybind manually, that takes time and can potentially end up making me die. If I had a keybind, I can toggle it on and off having it on when pushing solos or sniping someone, and having it off when having to push squads because I will die in the game if my aimbot starts aiming at the aim downed player when next to an alive person who isn't downed in squads with their teammates help. It's just incredibly useful to have it on and off. It will help me own more players with the engine.

    Keybind to toggle auto fire on and off. I love autofire on my assault rifles, it helps me save bullets and eliminate the player fast, but when I switch to a sniper rifle. It goes full aimbot mode and starts shooting when I'm not even zoomed in at times, even when zoomed in. It shoots like crazy. Keybind to have it on and off so when I switch to sniper, I can snipe properly as sniping is difficult when having it on for me at least.

    If a keybind isn't able to be added for the autofire, then at least have the option to have autofire on for certain weapons like snipers or assault rifles. Technically, there is that option with triggerbot, but the aimbot section autofire turns on for all weapons, so I can't do that.

    I hope my suggestions make logical sense and the admins consider it because you would help many users to own other players and win every COD Warzone game if you added those options.

    Lastly, keep up the great work and thanks!
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 14, 2020, Original Post Date: Apr 12, 2020 ---
    Okay, so the aimed down keybind doesn't' need to be added because its improved as in the aimbot focus on the non-downed players instead of the down, but if there can be an option to have autofire for certain guns for example.

    Autofire for only assault rifles on, but have autofire for sniper rifles off. It would be really useful.

    Thanks. That's the only thing I would like added, would help and save a lot. Keybinds doesn't need to be added.
    Lash93 likes this.

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