Battlefield V BF5 After some days of using it

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by PouetteJR, Dec 13, 2022.

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  1. PouetteJR

    PouetteJR Member

    Dec 4, 2022
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    Here i will share my personnal experience with the bf5 cheat, so, just take the general of it to forge your opinion. Especially for the last part, it's really a personnal experience.

    Price 10/10. I've been through a lot of provider, for a lot of different games, and, i have to say that the prices in general, no matter the cheat provided by engineowning seems very fair. In my case, 10€ a month for BF5 everything i could have hope for.

    Cheat 8/10. In general, the cheat does very well at what he's meant for, althought, a glow, a prediction esp, and a slightly better UI could have been good, appart from this, no problem for the short period of time i've been using it. And the big +, for Battlefield, for me, is the spectator warning (hope it's when someone spectate you personnaly) + the FF/PB screenshot feature, a real pelasure to have. Also the profile features is really usefull to save different settings depending on your gameplay style.

    Support 3/10. For this point, it's my personnal experience waiting for something like 5 days i think to get an usefull answer, and from what i've read on this forum, it seems like support is quite fast generally, so maybe i was unlucky, but still, it is what it is. The other point that makes me rate this in a kidna bad way is that i haven't got a compensation for the waiting time since i couldn't use it day 1, and had to wait the whole ticket time before using it. Althought, i'm not crying on it, it's only 10€, so it doesn't matter, but on a 35/50€ /month, i would probably have claimed it.

    Hope this will helps you to choose, have a good day.
    reaper46 likes this.
  2. Homie

    Homie Super Gorilla Staff Member Super Moderator Moderator

    Nov 9, 2020
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    Thank you for the feedback. Recently a lot of moderators werent available for personal reasons (being sick and other important RL things) but most of them are active again now. We always extend subs for lost times if you ask us so just reply to your ticket again.
    reaper46 and PouetteJR like this.

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