Battlefield 4 Best BF Cheat I've used.

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by twenty, May 26, 2020.

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  1. twenty

    twenty b1gPPMan420

    Feb 2, 2020
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    I mainly use EO's CoD Software, but due to the recent issues with downtime, I decided to do something different to try and fill the time gaps we were given.

    I've used a couple Battlefield 4 cheats on PC, EO is definitely one of, if not the best that I've used. I used the BFV Cheat for a couple of weeks, it was premium as fuck.

    I switched to BF4 and it was awesome. My sub is coming to an end so I can fairly say, it definitely gave me a new concept on a game I've played quite a bit and made it fun again.

    Cheap as fuck as well, so big plus. Will definitely continue to use the BF Software.
    Apollo and Bonser like this.

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