Modern Warfare (2019) After a day of review!

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by ih8thisgame69421, Sep 8, 2020.

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  1. ih8thisgame69421

    ih8thisgame69421 Member

    Sep 7, 2020
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    First off I want to make this review as genuine as possible as to not make it seem like a bot wrote it lol.
    And I know its only after a day but I have about 7-8hours with tool usage under my belt.

    If you are on the fence about getting something like this mostly out of fear, Ill try to do my best to convince you.
    and why you shouldn't be nervous as long as you stay smart!

    1. You DON'T have to use every mod available to you at once, this was somewhat a concern of mine being someone who doesn't go out of there way to look for hacks for online multiplayer games, as I didn't just want to lock on to someone 17 galaxies away and just dome them with a kar98... Thus leading to my next point.

    2. This tool SHOULD be used more to assist you rather then let you completely dominate anyone who stands in your way (even if its extremely temping). Meaning having a decent grasp and handle of online shooters will give you all the information you need on what should be considered a human like lock-on rather then an assisted lock-on. (the line is very thin!)

    3. Finding the right settings took me a little bit to fine tune, I'd like to consider myself an above average shot without these tools thus any extra help tends to make it look slightly sketchy, BUT! after setting everything up as most people recommend here the visual aspect of shooting and staying on target look one to one as someone with just a great shot.

    4. And always remember to stay smart while using these tools at ALL times. Meaning: Keeping on the lookout for any spectators in warzone, DON'T trace people through walls just before you end their pathetic existence with headshots only...(remember killcams are a thing). Is another team being obnoxious with snipers or have a good shot from a distance? just take a few of there plates off that just sends a message that this isn't the team to fight right now chief. remember to play the physiological game now that you don't need the brain power to constantly scan every corner.

    In all a very versatile tool that will definitely even the playing field if you work a 9-5 and dont have much time to invest into video games, very safe if you take the proper precautions while playing, a few hiccups here and there wont doom your account to the shadow realm, play smart and don't try to ruin everyone's day to much!
    Hardy19920 and JimmyGym like this.
  2. ih8thisgame69421

    ih8thisgame69421 Member

    Sep 7, 2020
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    everythings working fine on my end as of the recent patch. If you updated windows recently then that could be the issue. uninstall any recent windows updates then check.

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