Modern Warfare (2019) A review - over one year on

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by Dreamer, Aug 13, 2021.

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  1. Dreamer

    Dreamer Customer Customer

    Jun 8, 2020
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    So is this what all the cool kids do? Is leave a review. Hmm anyway.

    Gonna break this down super simple for those with below average IQ and those in the back. Its been over a year since I started using EO. Coming from another provider to say my expectations were high was an understatement. Nevertheless EO blew my expectations out of the water and some. Breaking it down further;

    ESP : 10 / 10
    To say that EO's ESP or painted rectangles is the best is an understatement, after using other providers with subpar ESP, EO's is flawless, pinpoint accuracy of the 2D/3D boxes and skeletons where others fall short, the thorough customization of visible, invisible colours, no 2D box or 2D box makes it so customizable for each user. The aimbox (not to be confused with 2D box), although part of the aimbot technically, it helps line up shots otherwise luck based without.

    AIMBOT / SILENT AIM : 9.5 / 10
    The customization on offer for EO's aimbot is some of the best. Prediction is some of the best out there, (although can be buggy but workable over extreme distances in Warzone but this is to be expected.) The recent addition of silent aim is what brings this up to a 9.5 - hands down one of the best additions, although like the aimbot over longer distances it can be buggy at times and is difficult to focus on long range targets without a dialed in config. Both are perfect for raging and legit play alike, and both thoroughly customizable to suit both. ​

    AUTOFIRE & AUTOAIM : 7 / 10
    Not something I can say I've honestly utilized too much, given I like to be in control of the fights I pick and the ones I don't. That being said it can be seen more for raging as in most situations the reaction time from the engine VS another users reactions. Although it is still insanely strong nonetheless. Just not a personal use.

    RADAR : 8 / 10
    One of the features in my opinion more suited for "legit" play, can be a little temperamental when configuring and lining up with the radar to begin with, even without a perfect config you are most likely only pixels away from knowing exactly where someone is once the range has been dialed in and it has been overlaid over the minimap.

    MISC : 9 / 10
    Not much to write here although, recent addition of the Unlock All works flawlessly and as intended aside from the bug where it has to be disabled during training and that it doesn't have reverse camos (MW camos on CW weapons and vice versa). Neither of these are a deal breaker, far from it. Same goes for no recoil, no spread and rapid fire (it should be noted a bug can occur when paired with silent aim - although only experienced this on a 1 time basis).

    Although one thing that would have been a nice addition is a customizable rapid fire, like on modded controllers from days gone. Still all worth-while using aside from the bugs mentioned.

    Only really 1 real gripe here and that there is no ability to assign hotkeys for switching configs on the fly or when using different weapons aside from this, having this alone is beneficial as it allows users to have say a rage config and then a legitimate in slot 1 or vice versa. Still very helpful and should be used by most if not all.

    Pretty much sums up everything. Although I've intentionally not commented on the trigger bot as this is something I have very very sparingly used outside of sniping and is something I do not see myself using outside of certain engagements.

    All in all, EO gets a 9.9 out of 10. If the small bugs were ironed out (although I haven't experienced them much) it would for sure be a 10. Regardless of that, it is still the best on the market for the price range and will continue to be I hope. Also roll on EO's spoofer, it been in a dying need of a return.
  2. princessdimi

    princessdimi dimi Customer

    Aug 30, 2020
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    thx for good review indeed gun goes brr with eo
    zeto87 and WL195444 like this.

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