Modern Warfare (2019) 6 weeks of use

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by Ber94, May 21, 2020.

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  1. Ber94

    Ber94 Member

    Apr 8, 2020
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    I came across EO through a random guy that I met a year ago on fornite, didn't speak to him in over a year or so since I stopped playing fornite. I was really confused because his wins on warzone were ridiculous, here's me trying my hardest thinking my modest 20 wins was something to be proud of and here's him with like 300 games and over 100 wins...

    so I asked him, how do you do it? and he said jump in a game with me and i'll show you, so I did.
    we jumped to the middle of the first circle and I thought wow, this is weird because I personally would never do this as we're going to have people coming from all directions and it will be a nightmare to defend against.

    he just starts lasering people from all directions and im like holy S**t! how can I do that? so he tells me I need a gaming pc and im like well I have one of those what else do I need? and he tells me about EngingOwning…

    so I visit the website and I initially tried it out with a 3 day access immediately I was in love with it!
    as soon as It ran out I went for the 3 month access!

    Its so easy to use, with my settings I can get up to 30 kills in cyber attack and not get called out as a hacker once. I've never had a problem being banned, never had a problem with the program itself, I've also tried out the battlefield V and its honestly amazing!

    a lot of people complain about waiting for updates, I personally don't mind it, its a little frustrating when it happens on the days where you're planning to game for the whole weekend but that's something EO cant help, that's down to activision obviously! and honestly a lot of updates often happen whilst im not looking to play anyway for me so I end up not having to wait at all.

    and now management have started to give us updates on the VIP news which is really helpful!

    thanks for the great service guys!

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