Battlefield 1 500+ hours across accounts without being caught by a community server admin

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by lead, Jan 25, 2024.

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  1. lead

    lead Customer Customer

    Apr 15, 2021
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    Today's the day I've finally been put on a BF1 cheater database (BFEAC), so I thought I should go ahead and give a testimonial. I had made it to 500 hours across accounts without being banned in that way, until today.

    This cheat is probably the best I've used for closet play so far, but still has plenty of features for rage. It definitely takes a bit of configuration to find something that works well (especially the aimbot smoothing values, I had to edit the config in notepad to find a value that worked well), but ultimately, I was able to go most rounds with a 7:1 KD ratio and not be suspected by the admins.

    The plane aimbot works very nicely. As long as you know when to let go and take manual control of the plane when needed, you can stay in the air the entire match. Make sure to enable "aim soldiers in vehicles", so you can just shoot the pilot and their gunners out of the plane before they can take you down. The rest of the vehicle aimbots are kinda meh (especially the tank shell aimbots), but they work well enough.

    The esp is fine, I just wish it had more options such as glow. The anti-obs feature works great. It also works with Discord, but it takes a bit of setup using virtual cams and OBS.

    Being able to spawn elite weapons whenever is really fun for rage play. I can just spawn an airstrike whenever I wish and crush everyone. Its fun to see everyone confused when there's not supposed to be any on that map.

    - Play legit for a bit if it's a brand new account. Fairfight bans off of stats too, so making your progression look natural as possible will help a ton. After that, you can realistically cheat as hard as you want.
    - Edit the config in a text editor when needed. Some values can only be put in there.
    - Enable spectator warning, and tune it down if an admin is watching. You'll last a lot longer.

    TY for this awesome cheat <3
  2. DeeGee

    DeeGee Moderator Staff Member Moderator

    Aug 1, 2023
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    I like the detail, had a smile on my face while reading. Thanks for the good and honest review.

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