3 week long review.

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by EzGamingClaps, Aug 14, 2020.

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  1. EzGamingClaps

    EzGamingClaps Member

    Jul 31, 2020
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    So, at first, I was pretty skeptical about this. Usually these types of programs are loaded with trojans or spyware, but I made sure to do a really deep scan using PHLAK. It does have some typical elements associated with things like Cheat Engine and the like, but those are usually just false positives.

    I'm pretty confident that's the case with this as well.

    Onto the actual program:

    Loading it is REALLY REALLY easy.

    First things first; Make sure BattleNet / Steam / Any launcher using Anti-cheat software is DISABLED.

    This needs to run at the kernel level to hide from it so making sure they're disabled is necessary.

    I do **not** have experience with the aimbot because IMO that's how you get banned really easily.

    I just use the walls consistently with 0 issues. No problems with gameplay, works as intended, and also pretty cheap!

    I do have one glaring problem though:

    For the time we've subscribed, and it needs updates, our time subscribed still runs out despite it being unable to be used.

    I do think that should be something worked on, as this has been 3 times in a row where I've subscribed, and it's down, and then afterwards, our time is still rolling. IMO subscriptions should be paused for downtime, or at least additional gametime (perhaps a day?) for when it's down.

    Overall, great tool, tons of customization, small things to work on. Good stuff.

    Update: Downtime occurred, didn't get additional time added, and to top it off, when I re-subbed again, it goes down again. (:
    --- Double Post Merged, Aug 22, 2020, Original Post Date: Aug 14, 2020 ---
    Updated original post.
  2. zoomgoom

    zoomgoom Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    What you are asking for already exists, you are credited for any downtime that occurs to my knowledge, it is in the FAQ quite clearly.
  3. EzGamingClaps

    EzGamingClaps Member

    Jul 31, 2020
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    If it's happened, I haven't received it. :(
  4. zoomgoom

    zoomgoom Member

    Jun 18, 2020
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    It's automatic, if you had a subscription when it was offline it should be have added I believe. Might be different for short term purchases like 24 hour ones, but my month long one purchase I generally buy from them always ends up having a few extra days added on it.
  5. EzGamingClaps

    EzGamingClaps Member

    Jul 31, 2020
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    That makes sense. I only go for the 3 days at a time thing because I don't play as much as I'd like to.

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