Modern Warfare (2019) EO Review for Modern Warfare 2019

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by JollyRoger, Mar 15, 2020.

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  1. JollyRoger

    JollyRoger Member

    Jul 24, 2018
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    GAMEPLAY FOOTAGE at the End of the Review:

    Would like to give a review of EngineOwning for Modern Warfare 2019. Firstly just a brief overview on my thoughts before jumping in to the different features.

    I have been using EngineOwning products for a while now and I have to say; EngineOwning as a service is incredible. The staff is excellent. They've always been extremely kind and helpful with any questions/support. The products are top-notch and reliable. I can't recommend EngineOwning enough!

    Onto the product for Modern Warfare. All I can really say here is it's everything you could ask for in something like this. Yes, this cheat does work for Warzone by the way; and some of the features of this cheat are incredible for Warzone! The ESP has a ton of features and is pretty much fully customizable! The aimbot is perfectly calibrated and has a ton of options for those who want to be conspicuous with their gameplay. Let's talk about these features a bit more in depth:

    ESP: 10/10


    Here in the menu the options for the ESP are pretty extensive.

    PLAYER OPTIONS: Can make the ESP a 2D Box, 3D Box, etc.The option to display player skeletons (shows a basic bone structure outline in the ESP). You can choose to have player's names displayed, the weapon they carry, your distance from the player. You can also display sight lines to other players.

    These features all work flawlessly. I usually stick with 2D Boxes and Player Names only for clarity. The other features can be advantageous though.

    ITEM/GRENADE/WEAPON OPTIONS: Can have various items displayed. Can also have grenades displayed. These options are incredible in WARZONE. Various Loot including Boxes, Cash, Weapons, etc are all displayed in the ESP in WARZONE.

    SHOW FRIENDLIES/ENEMIES: Choose whether to display Enemies and Friendlies.

    MAXIMUM PLAYER/ITEM RANGE: With these options you can change the distance/range at which items and players are displayed by the ESP. For example, setting the MAX PLAYER RANGE to a higher number increases the distance at which players are displayed. The same for the MAX ITEM RANGE setting.

    FONT SIZE: Changes the size of fonts.

    AIMBOT: 10/10

    AIMBOT: Enable/Disable the aimbot

    SMOOTH AIM: This setting makes the aimbot less snappy. 100 is the highest level of smooth aim applied, this keeps the aimbot from snapping to targets at inhumane speeds. Perfect setting for those wanting to play conspicuously.

    SMOOTH AIM ACCELERATION: Use this in tandem with SMOOTH AIM to set the spped at which the aimbot snaps to targets.

    AIM BONE: Select the bone for the Aimbot to target. (Body, Chest, Head) You can also choose a setting like Chest First Scan. This aims at the Chest bone first but will move to other areas of the body that are visible if the chest is out of visibility (i,e behind chest high cover)

    AUTO FIRE/ZOOM: Can have the Aimbot auto Zoom and Fire.

    AIM KEY: Choose the button in which the aimbot is in use. For example. Setting this to Right Mouse Button, whenever that key is held the aimbot will be active. Setting this to a seperate key (like CAPSLOCK) is very handy. You can aim freely and hold CAPSLOCK whenever you want the aimbot to do its thing. This feature is a huuuge plus for me. 10/10

    AIM FOV: Customize the FOV at which the aimbot is active. Increasing this will have your aimbot turning across screen at players. Turning this way down, the aimbot will only work in a small area center screen, requiring you to get a target within that FOV.

    AIM PRIORITY: Prioritize targets closes to your crosshair, or the playerthat is the closest distance to you, etc.

    AIM AT DOWNED PLAYERS: Enable to have the aimbot aim at downed players in WARZONE.

    AIM AT FRIENDLIES/ENEMIES: Choose to enable the aimbot to aim at friendlies and enemies.



    I do not use these features so I feel it is unfair to give a score. The triggerbot will shoot as soon as a target is in your crosshair. The radar enables EngineOwnings Radar. Both of these have extensive settings.



    RAPID FIRE: I believe this option will basically rapid fire a weapon that is single fire.

    CROSSHAIR: Can enable or disable a crosshair to display. You can also change the Size and Type of crosshair.


    Customize the color of the many different ESP settings that can be displayed. Check the image above to see just how much you can change!


    Here, you can save and load multiple configurations for all of the above Settings! This is great for swapping configs for different situations/playstyles. Like having one for standard multiplayer gaming and one for Warzone

    FINAL SCORE: Based on reliablility, EngineOwning as a service, and the Product for Modern Warfare


    EngineOwning has never failed to deliver a quality product at a great price. The staff is incredible and really there is no place like EngineOwning

    GAMEPLAY: Would like to share a short clip of some Warzone gameplay just to show a small fraction of what you can do!


    This review took me quite some time so if there are any mistakes I appologise :) Hope you enjoy!
  2. Kraisie

    Kraisie Customer Customer

    Jan 7, 2016
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    Thanks for your detailed review! Your sub got extended by one and a half week, have fun :)
    JollyRoger and Proton1001 like this.

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