Titanfall 2 cheat suggestion and some confused

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by Akog123, Aug 1, 2019.

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  1. Akog123

    Akog123 Banned

    Aug 1, 2019
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    Yesterday I have buy a Titanfall 2 cheat for 30 days, I got some confused and some suggestions
    for suggestion:
    1.I noticed that the cheat does not show up the health of the drone and ticks, and aimbot does not aim on them, whatever drone or tick.
    2.Aim priority selection, yesterday when I play the Frontier Defense, I noticed that aimbot always trying to aim on the rifleman and reaper, so I want a now slot or menu page to change the priority, like pilot>titans>reaper>ticks>drones>rifleman, that's what I want XD.
    3.I noticed that the screen will shake when you are in your titan and trying to aim at a reaper and sometimes aim on titan will cause it too, after I use silent aim, I see that aim HUD(the thing that show where you are aim at, it is in the center of screen, I don't know how call it.) will be shake around reaper, so when silent aim off, the screen will shake because It follow the "aim HUD".
    And I noticed that when your aim bone is set to head only, It won't aim at reaper, but it work when we select chest only, so I think the reaper have no "head" bone, but it also cause shake even you select chest only.( Is that means reaper have two or more chest and the aimbot try to switch between those chests and cause the shake?
    For confused:
    1. what is smooth aim acceleration?
    2. is projectile prediction work? or how it looks like?
  2. Aspect36

    Aspect36 Member

    Mar 1, 2019
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    sorry for the late reply idk if you still have your tf2 sub but smooth aim acceleration is used in conjunction with smooth aim (obviously) So let's say your smooth aim is set to 50 and smooth aim acceleration is set to 0 the aimbot is going to travel towards the target at a constant speed but if you say have smooth aim acceleration set to say 75 when the aimbot starts traveling to the target it's going to speed up and it will get faster the longer it takes to get to the target this is the opposite with a lower value. Now onto projectile prediction, so say your using a gun like the Kraber which the bullets in the Kraber takes time to travel to the target and also have bullet drop, projectile prediction calculates this and accounts for it by making the aimbot aim say further in front of the target or aim a bit above them its not perfect though because the target might move at the last moment making you miss the shot. When I use the tf2 cheat I use silent aim with low fov (1 up through 3) and for the aim selection I use chest first scan, the crosshair will still shake when aiming at the reaper but will not shake your screen.

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