More information on the MW3/WZ detection

Discussion in 'Announcements and News' started by Homie, May 16, 2024.

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By Homie on May 16, 2024 at 5:05 PM
  1. Homie

    Homie Super Gorilla Staff Member Super Moderator Moderator

    Nov 9, 2020
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    #1 Homie, May 16, 2024
    Last edited: May 16, 2024
    We have been and are intensively working on fixing the detection of the MW3/WZ cheat. The coders have made good progress and we will soon release a closed beta to check the reliability of the new counter measurements which needs a diverse range of players to test. It will be only available to trusted users that we choose.

    We can currently not predict how long this will take, but we do our best to get it done as fast as possible. All subs will stay frozen until the cheat is fully undetected.

    EDIT: Please dont message us asking if you can test the cheat for us. We will be contacting users that we want to use as testers.


Discussion in 'Announcements and News' started by Homie, May 16, 2024.

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