To those skeptical... YES it's worth it

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by ausernameisrequired, Jan 27, 2024.

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  1. ausernameisrequired

    ausernameisrequired Member

    Jan 16, 2024
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    Had my doubts prior to using EO. Bought the 3 day trial and was hooked instantly. Couldn't imagine playing without it now.... Just purchased a 30 day subscription for MW3. It makes the game so much more fun, and takes the pressure of SBMM out of the equation. I work 10 hours a day, and just don't have the time to play a ton like I used to. I'd like to at least get some enjoyment out of my short sessions. EO has provided that for me. I mainly just use ESP/radar and so far so good. I try not to chase boxes too much, and make sure to pre-aim most of my corners (even when I know no one is there). I always play as if I'm being spectated. Closet cheating has changed the game for me. I'll play legit on and off. If the frustration builds up, I just flip on the ESP and radar, and it gives me that slight edge I need. EO has increased my enjoyment tenfold. Highly recommend for anyone on the fence about it. At least give it a try. You wont be disappointed :)
    uaena666, crotle, Ivan77 and 6 others like this.
  2. Homie

    Homie Super Gorilla Staff Member Super Moderator Moderator

    Nov 9, 2020
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    Thank you for the detailed feedback :)
    Ivan77, azzliquidator23 and bomgames1 like this.

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