Refund Policy

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We will refund payments if it's clear that either we made a mistake or you did not download our software from this site.
The option for a refund mentioned above shall be deemed null and void in case your actions are in conflict with our ToS.
Missing to meet the system requirements and system exceptions mentioned on the product description page is also not a valid reason for refund.
Software downtime caused by updates are only eligible for refunds if the subscription was not used before the update. Frozen subscriptions are also not eligable for refund.

Our subscriptions do NOT auto-renew! All purchases are one-time purchases.
Check your injections here.
Account bans are not eligible for refunds. You use our software on your own risk.

Please note that opening a fraudulent dispute/chargeback will result in a permanent ban.

In any case, we are happy to help you solve any issues before requesting a refund.
If you want to get a refund please contact us directly by opening a support ticket.

Last Update: 2023-10-04