Modern Warfare (2019) Honest Review On Cheat

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by NeadricTM, Apr 8, 2020.

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  1. NeadricTM

    NeadricTM Member

    Mar 20, 2020
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    #1 NeadricTM, Apr 8, 2020
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2020
    Modern Warfare Cheat Review

    I have been using EngineOwning Modern Warfare for almost 2-3 week with no ban I've had days where I stay up 13 hours playing because it's so much fun. I started off with a 3 Day sub and bought that a couple of times and now I have a month sub and it was worth it the month sub is super cheap and defiantly worth the money.

    ESP: The ESP is really nice I like the customization and the filled boxes have grown on me, I do wish you could pick any color you wanted besides from a select set but that is just me being picky. Vischeck works amazingly but it does bug out with people on railings or if there are certain objects in between you and the enemy.
    ESP Score: 9.5/10

    Aimbot: The Aimbot is fantastic, combined with trigger bot you're basically unstoppable. The aimbot is smooth but yet very effective, I do wish that it could be a little smoother at times cause some shot do look a little suspicious but other than that is perfect. Sometimes I get bored and put "aim smoothing" to 0 and just lock on kids and it's hilarious.
    Aimbot Score: 10/10

    Trigger Bot: Trigger bot is great it is a good way to save ammo while also landing your shot. There is one thing when shooting at an enemy far away and you have aim and trigger set to the same key only aimbot will take effect but trigger bot does not shot since your crosshair isn't in the actual player, which is understandable. Playing hardcore while using trigger bot makes you a god instantly.
    Trigger Bot Score: 9/10

    Price: For the level of cheat you're getting the price is amazing and completely affordable for just about everyone. I would be sad to see the price raised but I would understand since the cheat is just about flawless.
    Price Score: 1000/10
    Deleted member 10829 likes this.
  2. Proton1001

    Proton1001 Authorized Market Seller Authorized Market Seller Customer

    Sep 5, 2015
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    Thanks for your feedback! I've extended your subscription :)
    NeadricTM likes this.
  3. NeadricTM

    NeadricTM Member

    Mar 20, 2020
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    Oh thank you how nice!

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