Cheat for Modern Warfare (2019) released

Discussion in 'Announcements and News' started by crotle, Nov 23, 2019.

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By crotle on Nov 23, 2019 at 7:02 PM
  1. crotle

    crotle Boss Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 23, 2018
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Discussion in 'Announcements and News' started by crotle, Nov 23, 2019.

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    1. bicepboy121323
      So what would be op?
    2. itzkaydo
      this program is unusable now since the new update, wont sotp shaking, i chaneg my settings to everything nothing is fixing it.
      Iris likes this.
    3. xMajoIR
      sorry for u bud but i can confirm aimbot and everything else is working fine as always because im playing right now
      Last edited: Mar 20, 2020
    4. Iris
      Iris There have crazy shaking when i aim the player.When it will be repaired???
    5. xMajoIR
      sorry for u bud but i can confirm aimbot is working fine as always because im playing right now
      --- Double Post Merged, Mar 20, 2020 ---
      that must be so bug on your side because i use it and it works perfect so i guess the cheat itself isnt the problem
      Last edited: Mar 20, 2020
    6. itzkaydo
      itzkaydo SS ur settings, never had issues with mine till this update
    7. weichspüler1337
      legit 95/15
      chest first (scan)
      aimbot mode on scope
      aim fov 2.5 and aim at downed player works fine for me try this for legit
      xMajoIR likes this.
    8. xMajoIR
      ok so im playing with these settings for a long time and never got problems with it
      --- Double Post Merged, Mar 20, 2020 ---
      i use same settings just i use 5.0 fov

      Attached Files:

      bicepboy121323 likes this.
    9. bicepboy121323

      It is working you just have to find the correct settings. Im going through it now. But it does work..
      sambuck, xMajoIR and itzkaydo like this.
    10. itzkaydo
      it kinda works but im losing like 70% of the fights now, wish we could toggle the prediction on or off, cus it doing more harm then good for me ;(
      xMajoIR likes this.
    11. xMajoIR
      im sorry for u but i cant help u with that because for me it works
    12. bicepboy121323
      Yes I do understand I was to as a matter of fact. So now Im just staying back and working on guns I dont normally use. Like the LMG lol
      Hopefully we get an update soon...
      --- Double Post Merged, Mar 20, 2020 ---

      Ummmm ok So you don't use auto zoom and auto fire so you have more control on whats going on? Also as for he FOV 5.0 is that for when they are looking around? So if i was to increase shouldn't i be able to spin and shoot if someone was behind me? Just asking!
    13. Tester
      we do really need a fix for the bot. it's really shaking terribly. it's unsuable
      dasao1, jack86, Iris and 2 others like this.
    14. bicepboy121323
      So Im still messing with the setting and now im getting it to where I like it.. I just tried it on the practice warzone 4 times. Now ill try it in game...
    15. tripleh
      What is bulled predicitons
    16. bicepboy121323
      So when I turned down the settings it got alot better and was still dead on...
    17. itzkaydo
      sec ill upload a video of my side xD
      bicepboy121323 likes this.
    18. bicepboy121323
      Im not even sure?
      --- Double Post Merged, Mar 20, 2020 ---
      Yes Yes Yes lol thank you
    19. weichspüler1337
      aimbot predict where the bullet must land to hit the enemy

      btw aim works perfect for me with my settings
    20. tripleh
      but the feature bullet prediction you can not select and is the aimbot now better
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