Modern Warfare (2019) Use after three days

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by JoeMamaYuriTarded, Mar 17, 2020.

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  1. JoeMamaYuriTarded

    JoeMamaYuriTarded Member

    Dec 9, 2019
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    The experience I had throughout using this has been phenomenal, I've been able to get several wins. below is my impression of the software.

    Aim bot:
    The aim bot is extremely good, and considering that this software only costs 10 dollars (NZD for me) for 3 days makes the aim bot even better, whilst there are small things that might need adding/fixing it undoubtedly beats other competition. The small things that need adding is some sort of Visible Check feature. Maybe a tweak so the aim bot knows when it can shoot through a wall and when it can't. Maybe another thing is something around recoil, (I don't know if there's a recoil-reduction element in the software, so take this with a grain of salt as I am just unaware if there is a feature like that.)

    The ESP reminds me of a traditional ESP that is general in every other game, however I noticed that sometimes when you're in a helicopter or looking at someone from above the esp box will sort of float behind the persons actual model, besides this small bug the ESP does exactly what it needs to do, and it does it best.

    Can't really give any opinion about the radar, don't use it generally.

    Config System:
    The ability to change what is loaded at launch as a nice touch. Good job with this one!

    What can I say about the price. they have very generous prices for a generous amount of time and they give a nice option to test the software for a minuscule price. Planning on buying again in the coming week.

    Overall a good software, with a good community, good developers and good pricing. 9/10, probably the best, cheapest option in the market.
    --- Double Post Merged, Mar 19, 2020, Original Post Date: Mar 17, 2020 ---
    Bought another three days, no regret ;)
  2. Kraisie

    Kraisie Customer Customer

    Jan 7, 2016
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    Unfortunately we are currently limited by the game engine on that point.

    Sorry for overlooking your feedback, your new sub got extended by 2 days, have fun :)

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