Cheat for Modern Warfare (2019) released

Discussion in 'Announcements and News' started by crotle, Nov 23, 2019.

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By crotle on Nov 23, 2019 at 7:02 PM
  1. crotle

    crotle Boss Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 23, 2018
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Discussion in 'Announcements and News' started by crotle, Nov 23, 2019.

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    1. kilas73
      Great :D
    2. Riley Reid
      Riley Reid
      Its working pretty good guys on warzone. As I mentioned before though, the aimbot is doing some funny 'jerky' for snipers only, setting is full aimbot, 5 fov, 100 smooth and 10 acceleration. when an enemy is still, i have it set to head only to test but its aiming at stomach/chest area?
    3. AimBRoT
    4. tripleh
      I was experimenting and find that hard look on zoom with some other Settings appears so far the legist aimbot so far for me it does not feel sticky
    5. Randa
      wíll no spread get added soon?!
    6. keizh
      What smooth, fov, smooth acceleration do you play with?
    7. tripleh
      smooth is set to 100 smooth acceleration to 10
      --- Double Post Merged, Mar 16, 2020 ---
      wait bro i think i gave you the wrong one i will try and tell you after this one is not bad either but i think was another one
    8. ricky morgan
      ricky morgan
      got banned using this. dont really recommend on a main account.
    9. tika
      Add me on discord WeApe#9503

      Lets teamup anyone who has Warzone cheat, and win streak!
    10. Riley Reid
      Riley Reid
      how? and what lvl were u
    11. wakeupf1lthy
      I also got banned. I was using the default settings I got to rank 60 i think. I did play a lot but I never really rage hacked
    12. kevel
      I wonder if delay banned I'm not banned yet
    13. tripleh
      im still not banned keys ezi
    14. hailong920407
      Whether the interface of every login is to download software
    15. AimBRoT
      Please open a ticket
    16. kilas73
      Smooth acc has to be at least on 50. lower than that is suicide
    17. Kraisie
      smooth acceleration on 50 results in a faster aimbot than 10 as it is an acceleration!
      The lower the slower your aimbot will be. If the acceleration is on 0 it will be a constant speed with no acceleration.
      kilas73, tripleh and keizh like this.
    18. keizh
      Was just about to say this but tried to think what it do. The name should be self explanatory "Smooth acceleration"
    19. kilas73
      Sorry, my bad. Thought that more acc the smoothier the bot would be. Thks for clearing that. ;)
      tripleh likes this.
    20. Randa
      im warzone lvl 83 and fine and i rage
      Proton1001 likes this.
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