Cheat for Modern Warfare (2019) released

Discussion in 'Announcements and News' started by crotle, Nov 23, 2019.

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By crotle on Nov 23, 2019 at 7:02 PM
  1. crotle

    crotle Boss Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 23, 2018
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Discussion in 'Announcements and News' started by crotle, Nov 23, 2019.

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    1. tripleh
      but im banned for raging took one day only i think they look stats i dont know
    2. Yig
      They do indeed check your stats, kill spacing, accuracy etc.
    3. weather
      In my tests I didn't have to change IP.
    4. keizh
      For sure they look at stats, I have a k/d at 2.6 or something like that, and an accuracy at 0.50 and I haven't been banned, been playing for long and been leveling about 50 levels
      Yig likes this.
    5. Yig
      And that's about normal even if the stats are impressive, the main thing that flags you is impossibly fast and precise kill rate, they can also track via heatmapping where you frequent, where you look the most and what buttons you press the most.
    6. keizh
      Well it's not always how legit of a cheat you're using it's also how you play with the cheats, I play normal I guess, Haven't gotten banned and i'm on a really good leveling spree. Also I barely use the aimbot.
      Yig likes this.
    7. Yig
      Yeah that's what I mean. Basically, just don't ragehack and you'll be good.
    8. keizh
      Also a good way not to get banned is to play esp that only shows up when the enemy is visible :D
      Yig likes this.
    9. matija52
      2 radar is better just turn off esp
    10. Riley Reid
      Riley Reid
      As the 2D radar will show up in menus will the anti cheat pick it up? As you guys say don’t open the menu after pressing multiplayer so curious is it just the menu and the radar will be safe?
    11. weather
      What we wrote is to not click on Multiplayer before the menu loads.
    12. Riley Reid
      Riley Reid
      Ah cool thanks so 2d radar is safe to show for the whole game after clicking multi player?
    13. Kraisie
      Riley Reid likes this.
    14. TechyThai
      what settings you guys used on the radar never could get it work
    15. Yig
      Make sure that Radar is manually set to "On" in the menu for the Radar.
      weather likes this.
    16. Riley Reid
      Riley Reid
      I think re radar, been playing with setting and feel like everything turned off except show players, enemies, show FOV and distance 40.

      I really wish it could show enemy grenades (like claymore) but it always show team mate ones so get confused sometimes so basically just keep it clean and only show enemies
    17. TechyThai
      its in the ESP I think to turn off friendly equipment and only show enemies one only but Idk still new to this
      --- Double Post Merged, Mar 7, 2020 ---
      yeah but like its hard to see anything on those but let me try
    18. matija52
      easy go on private match choose couple bots and test all options in 2 radar thats it ;) make sure radar is on and enemy is on
    19. tripleh
      do you have a aimbot key set i mean a button or not
    20. matija52
      2d radar doesnt have aimbot
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