Battlefield V BFV Cheat Review

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by TR33, Jan 28, 2020.

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  1. TR33

    TR33 Member

    Oct 30, 2019
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    My Review on the BFV cheat.

    I was reluctant to try it due to being forced to either turn off my antivirus or get a new one that could possibly be configured to work with folder exclusions rather than file exclusions. I have a hard time trusting software that gets flagged as a Virus. After a few back and forth discussions via support, I found the best route would be to disable the antivirus to load it, then re-enable once it is loaded. I decided to put a little trust in coders at engineowning and see how it goes.

    First impression: I was amazed at how well it was implemented into the game. By including the location of enemies on the map the way you did, it really feels like it is part of the game. I have used a couple other cheats out there and none of them felt like they were part of the game. It feels so much like part of the game, I have almost told my squad to check the map for someone being spotted on the map.

    After playing for a few weeks, here is what I like/don’t like about it, what I think could be improved/added and any issues I have had.


    1. Aimbot Functionality. The aimbot works great. Much better than the other cheats I have used. It is very smooth and feels polished. No jerking your aim into the sky randomly or turning 180 degrees behind you or any other crazy stuff. It either locks on or doesn’t based on your FOV settings.

    2. Loot Display. It is very easy to read and understand.

    3. Magic Bullet. This is amazing.

    4. Fairfight Screen Shots: I like that we are able to see these in a folder and that we get notified of them being taken so we can monitor them.

    5. Spectating. I was not expecting this to work after reading a post somewhere on here, but while playing conquest I got an alert on screen that I was being spectated. This is great!

    6. HWID Spoofer. I love that this is included in the cheat for that extra security from being banned. I have been banned from other cheats without hardware id spoofing and I am certain that caused repeat bans. On a side note, I was loading the HWID Spoofer in the loading menu which did cause some issues with some programs I use like reWASD. Also showed an error stating it couldn’t spoof the certain hard drives I have. However, yesterday I noticed a post here stating I didn’t need to load that because it is already spoofing the hardware ID within the BFV Cheat without even turning that option in the loading menu on.

    Don’t Like:

    1. I don’t like that I have to constantly disable and re-enable my anti-virus. I think I understand why after speedi13 explained it to me in a post and I will just live with it.

    2. Can’t spot the Safe Locations. I would really like to see where they are when I am playing Firestorm.

    3. Can’t customize the key to open the cheat menu. I read on a forum that anti cheats look for usage of those keys and can flag you for it. Whether true or not, seems like being able to change it would be an easy fix to that.

    4. Can’t toggle on/off features like Magic Bullet without accessing the menu.

    Please add:

    1. Add Safe locations please!!

    2. Ability to set any key to open the cheat menu

    3. Ability to assign custom keys to toggle certain features on/off. Example use would be that I come upon a rage cheater in Firestorm and wish to just turn on the Magic Bullet Head Shot to deal with them then turn it off. Having a custom key assigned to do that would be great. Would also he nice for simply turning loot labels on or off.


    1. Frequently, the cheat does not inject into the game on the first attempt. Most times I load the cheat it will fail to inject the first time I open BFV. It will start then stop after showing like the first 5 (can’t remember exactly) numbered lines. I have to close BFV, restart the cheat, then it usually injects on that 2nd attempt.

    2. The HWID spoofer on the loader will cause an error message that it can’t spoof some of my hardware.

    3. A couple times the visual aspects of the cheat will disappear and did not come back. I think this may be caused by showing the stats overlay and then disabling it? Didn’t spend much time trying to recreate it as I just wanted it to work and restarting everything fixed it.

    4. I had the game crash once with some warning

    5. Vehicle Operator Position. I noticed that the person operating the vehicle will stay displayed on the ESP somewhere other than in the vehicle. Many times I have headed towards a person to find them not there. After showing their names, I noticed it was the operator of the tank/vehicle etc..

    Conclusion! I love the cheat! Keep up the great work. Keep your product trustworthy and continue with the excellent support. I look forward to being a long time user/customer!
  2. Kraisie

    Kraisie Customer Customer

    Jan 7, 2016
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    It says that there is a spectator on the server, it does not mean that he is currently watching you.
    If that happens again please make a screenshot from the console and open a ticket so the coder can have a look onto why that happens.
    That's an issue of the game, the game does not update the driver location until he gets out of the vehicle so the ESP draws them at the position they entered the vehicle.

    Thanks for your review, added some days to your sub :)
    TR33 likes this.
  3. TR33

    TR33 Member

    Oct 30, 2019
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    It stops at the H[8] item on initial load. I will get a screen shot next time. Thanks for the added days!
  4. Kraisie

    Kraisie Customer Customer

    Jan 7, 2016
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    Try to place the loader directly at C:\
  5. Speedi13

    Speedi13 Coder Staff Member Coder

    Dec 14, 2014
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    Yes FairFight is logging the use of the Insert Key BUT my cheat bypasses that ;) :p

    What do you mean with save locations?

    you don't need the HWID spoofer in the loader.
    There are two different HWID spoofers
    • The one in the loader, which doesn't work with the latest win10 versions

    • In my cheats ( BF4, BF1, BFV, SWBF2 ) I have build in a HWID spoofer wich works by intercepting the requests directly in the game engine. So it WORKS with all win10 versions and is always active silently in the background! ;)
    So in conclusion its the same as with the Insert key, my cheat takes total care of this potential issue ;)
  6. TR33

    TR33 Member

    Oct 30, 2019
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    Ok, I will give that a try. Thanks!

    Perfect! :)

    The Black Safe Boxes in Firestorm


    Very Nice! :)

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