Cheat for Modern Warfare (2019) released

Discussion in 'Announcements and News' started by crotle, Nov 23, 2019.

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By crotle on Nov 23, 2019 at 7:02 PM
  1. crotle

    crotle Boss Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 23, 2018
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Discussion in 'Announcements and News' started by crotle, Nov 23, 2019.

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    1. RYZ
      They need
      Just use a VPN to get it cheaper and use moblie payment. I used my phone bill and now got a refund!
      Drip likes this.
    2. keizh
      How can you be sure about this? I haven't seen any statement about it :D
      Drip likes this.
    3. Drip
    4. keizh
    5. RYZ
      Just over an hour ago.
      Drip likes this.
    6. keizh
      I just checked by now and I'm also banned.
    7. tripleh
    8. keizh
      Delayed bans for sure. But I always keep in mind that there is a risk cheating especially when you have money to lose. For me it doesn't matter for some it does. I'll just wait for them to update it.
      RYZ likes this.
    9. RYZ
      Agree : Anyone who is worrying about a ban should not be cheating in a game that is new that cost full price! We all take a risk when using cheats.

      Wait for it to go cheap or find ways to get it cheaper ( RUS VPN )
      liuli, Deleted member 10829 and Drip like this.
    10. liuli
      In RUS VPN, he is worth 1999 rubles. In my case, an account only needs 2.5 US dollars. Of course, I can't change my password or email address. I can only log in to play.So I just need to wait for the EO update;)
    11. Cemo99
      Where do you get it for 2,5 US dollars ?
    12. lukedorian2020
      This cheat has been released for only 3 days and is already detected, Whatttt?? i also think people who hasn´t purchased anything like my self should not be able to see these threads, it does not help the site at all, also the coder making videos on Youtube ragecheating also does not help, i think they can scan from a simple video oon youtube.
    13. liuli
      Unable to buy, this is just a private channel for a friend of mine
    14. Drip
      Make it better h3x1337coderluk3
    15. dainfamous923
      Can you please explain how to do this trick with the phone bill and refund? It sounds so appealing to me
    16. headglitch
      you can't request any type of refund if you have a ban on record
    17. RYZ
      You can, through Mobile payment.

      Say's 1 - 2 months but came on my phone bill right away!

      Attached Files:

    18. crotle
      Good news: we found what causes the bans and are working to fix it. The specific anti cheat code has been recently added by the game developers.
    19. Kuchen
      What is the chance of the game developers doing a similar "patch" in the future after EO goes back to being UD?
      Max Barinal likes this.
    20. crotle
      Cheating and anti cheating is always a cat and mouse game. We will do our best to make sure that particular type of detection will not happen again. You can never know that they don’t add any other very creative detection method but I can say that we already have very good evasion methods that limit what the game developer can do as much as possible.
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