Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by ariadivine, Nov 24, 2019.

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  1. ariadivine

    ariadivine Member

    Nov 13, 2019
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    Hey guys,
    I have been using this for BF V for almost a month now. I have also tried using other software from people like IWANTCHEATS. Here are my thoughts on the product by Speedi.

    Value for money (10/10)

    The other sites charged about 25euros and up per month. EO charges us 9.99/mo. I dont know what the others are thinking, but compared to the ease of use of this product and the awesome way it works, I wouldn’t pay even $5 to the others.

    Ease of Installation & Use (10/10)

    Yes, I NEED to get into this aspect. WHY? because I appreciate something quick and simple and easy to use by even the most non tech sauvy people.

    Its as simple as downloading the launcher for the cheat, and then starting the game. You will see a super simple interactive menu to adjust the cheat settings, which is smooth to use. No clicking issue, no hanging, and definitely no Blue screen of death.

    Compared to the other cheats which made me change BIOS settings, install a trojan like software, make me fix my firewalls & having a horrible laggy stuck cheat menu over the game which often ended in the blue screen of death, well, this felt like OMG WOW. It also comes with a hardware details spoofing software. Sneaky.

    LEGIT gameplay (10/10)

    The product offers legit and rage settings, and also the option to make your own custom profiles. INSERT is the key used to bring up the cheat menu in case most new users are wondering. The ESP offers a very clean and useful variety of info to be displayed about the enemy.

    It has a stick like bone scan. Or a full box for the entire enemy toon. Or hit box for each body part. It also has distance ESP which I use a lot. It also does visibility checks for you, displaying accessible targets in red. Lets talk a bit about the AIMBOT. You can toggle the entire aimbot on and off, if you want to play full legit. You can set it on auto aim or even add auto fire. Or you can simply give a hotkey to activate aimbot at your whim. SMOOTH and FOV are two wonderful settings. Decide the aimbot view box- with FOV(field of view). Smooth helps to not let your aim snap to different targets. The higher the smooth setting, the slower it snaps between targets. Aimbot also comes with a CROSSHAIR focused or DISTANCE focused aim type. So, you have more control on using it. It also has convenient separate settings for using the AIMBOT on foot or using it while inside a vehicle. And for each situation, you also have easy checklist options to decide whether to target only soldiers, or other vehicles also. Comfy isnt it. Trust me it is.

    Oh and if you do not want to have any of your friends feel your inescapable Legolas kind of wrath, or you want that one annoying chinese hacker enemy to know you got some tools too, then, there is an option to ignore aiming at your friends list, and another option to prioritize those special enemies you want gone first.

    If you want that sniper headshots, there is no need to worry. There is a simple option to choose which part of the body to aim for. HEAD, TORSO.. etc. You can also choose RANDOM, letting the aimbot decide on the flow. In case there is a visibility problem, there is an option where the aimbot can be made to pick the next best piece of meat to aim for, when the priority part of the enemy is behind an obstacle. Some smart shit aint it. yup. There is also no need to worry about the bullet drop or the spread from full auto. The bot auto compensates for it, to an excellent range.

    The bot also offers No BIPOD option to use weapons which have a bipod and need to crouch to use them. It also has full auto option to have guns like M1A1 fire like a semi automatic.

    I have used the AIMBOT non stop. It is pretty safe. Just dont go overboard with getting 60-0 kills-deaths when you are level one. LOL. If you play smart, you can enjoy the game and avoid any obvious bans.

    Wait a minute, are you the type, who just enjoys trolling people and go RAMBO and have 500 accounts to get banned ? Well, then welcome to RAGE mode.

    RAGE MODE (cant say, i dont use it, dont wanna be banned lul)

    Auto AIM, Auto shoot, FOV- 360, SMOOTH- 0. No breath. No recoil. Magic fukin bullets. Yup, these are exactly what you think they are. Kill people as soon as they are in your crosshair. Doesnt matter what is in between, its GG. If you have the auto settings up, then the aimbot will go berserk and shoot everyone one after another as long as you hold the aimbot hotkey. I love how its clearly mentioned which option is risky to use. (FF BAN!) is what is mentioned. If you dont care go right ahead and enjoy. If you do, then well, dont use any of those risky features.

    Vehicle AIMBOT (9/10)

    I want to talk about this specifically and the aimbot works great on vehicles also, including planes. I suggest using a different profile for this, and adjusting your SMOOTH to low as possible, along with the vehicle aim speed, to avoid screen shaking when aiming. You can also adjust sensitivity settings in the game to find the sweet spot for this. The aimbot will also take care of the flying while shooting. The only thing you need to worry about it is, the simple manual adjustment, in case your plane is too low to the ground. Sometimes it will spin and turn into the ground while aiming. Apart from this hiccup with the planes, it aims great with even the bombs. Other vehicles have no issues operating. It’s just pure mayhem using the aimbot. You don’t even need any of the rage settings. If your screen is shaking, just lower the vehicle aimspeed a bit till it stops.

    Customer service (10/10)

    Yup, this is important to me. I aint paying money for a service, so I have to end up figuring it out on how it works. The folks at EO are always quick to respond, and helpful with the settings. There is also a VIP forum which will help your setup and get you head-shotting asap. Also join the discord. Seems lot of germans on there. lul. Heil Fuhrer!

    In all seriousness it has made my experience from BF V wonderful. YES, despite the nasty rage hackers. Who would just one shot me through a wall or know exactly where I am. Well, I have evened the odds now. Just be safe, keep a low score early on, and progress gradually up so it looks like you are improving with levels. Don’t just jump in at lvl 10 and go RAMBO, unless of course you have 10 accounts ready to blow. Then by all means, lock and load with this bot. You will not be disappointed. Good luck.
  2. Kraisie

    Kraisie Customer Customer

    Jan 7, 2016
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    pls :garnvlc:

    Thanks for your awesome review @ariadivine , I extended your sub by 7 days. Have fun :)
    Deleted member 10829 likes this.

    DEViANCE Customer Customer

    Sep 26, 2019
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    I must admit the speed of support and updates after game update, excellent
  4. CriticallyInsane

    CriticallyInsane Member

    Mar 6, 2018
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  5. ariadivine

    ariadivine Member

    Nov 13, 2019
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    YAY ! appreciate it
  6. Rucker

    Rucker Member

    Nov 22, 2019
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    Indeed an excellent review, and I know of no other cheat provider who would give you 7 free days. Props to them too. :)

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