Battlefield 4 BF4 Cheat Review

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by The Born, Nov 6, 2019.

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  1. The Born

    The Born Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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    #1 The Born, Nov 6, 2019
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2019
    So after having used this for a while i feel I can make a fair review of the cheat.

    I will also try to include some requests to the cheat and if you would be kind enough to add them preferably within my subscription period I would be very happy. This is my own experience and might not reflect what everyones experience will be and if any of my issues here are solvable please reply to this and let me know so I can change my review and get a better experience with the cheat!

    Aimbot 7/10

    So the aimbot can be very accurate, but I noticed some problems with it that was disappointing.

    1. The aimbot immediately switches target when it looses track of someone or when you get a kill, making legit cheating harder as players can see the snapping, especially if you are spectated. Tapping the aimkey can work sometimes but it's tedious to do, misses shots sometimes and can still cause snapping if you don't release it fast enough.

    2. Aimbotting at players inside vehicles is usually hard, On foot the aimbot aims behind an enemy on boats for example and unless you disable visibility check it won't aim on players inside a helicopter cockpit which is very frustrating and the aimbot does not really like to aim at players inside vehicles in general unless your in a vehicle yourself as it switches to the vehicle aimbot instead. And yes I have Aim at Vehicles enabled.

    3. When sitting inside a BMP and shooting from the side holes the aimbot does not aim for enemies and just acts weird snapping to up, left, right or down. The same happens when riding freely as passenger on a Littlebird helicopter for example. This happens when you use your weapons and riding a vehicle.

    ESP 10/10

    I have not encountered any problems and I don't have any suggestion or changes to request for the ESP. It fulfills my needs.

    Anti-Hardcore 10/10

    I have not encountered any problems and I don't have any suggestion or changes to request for the Anti-Hardcore features. It fulfills my needs.

    Spawn Battle Pickups 9/10

    1. Only primary, secondary weapons and gadgets can be replaced with battle pickups. Would be better if you could replace grenades and knife with battle pickups as well.

    Fly Mode is awesome btw can't believe that they don't make FairFight detect it! 10/10

    Equipment Editor 8/10

    1. Just like the Spawn Battle Pickups feature, the Equipment Editor cannot replace Knifes or Grenades. I know this is possible since other cheat providers has it.
    2. The /dumpweapons function does not dump any singleplayer weapons and only dump singleplayer gadgets.

    9:0:00        Gameplay/Gadgets/MGL/U_SP_MGL
    9:0:01        Gameplay/Gadgets/C4/U_SP_C4
    9:0:02        Gameplay/Gadgets/Claymore/U_SP_Claymore
    9:0:03        Gameplay/Gadgets/Sa18IGLA/U_SP_Sa18IGLA
    9:0:04        Gameplay/Gadgets/FIM92A/U_SP_FIM92
    9:0:05        Gameplay/Gadgets/FGM148/U_SP_FGM148
    9:0:06        Gameplay/Gadgets/SLAM/U_SP_SLAM
    As you can see this dump only shows the singleplayer gadgets and not the singleplayer weapons.
    This was huge let down for me as I really wanted to use the singleplayer M82A3 as my main sniper rifle. The reason to why I want the singleplayer version instead of the battle pickup version is that the singleplayer version can carry 4x more ammo and can also be resupplied via Ammo Packs and Ammo Boxes.


    1. Add an option for aimbot to only aim for 1 target at the time, when you kill an enemy you need to repress the toggle key for the aimbot to move to the next, holding it should not make it switch automatically and loosing line of sight of a target should not make the aimbot switch target unless the toggle key is repressed. If the user is still holding the toggle key when an enemy disappear out of sight, the aimbot should automatically aim for only the same target when he reappears.

    2. This one is most important to me. Add at least the M82A3 singleplayer version to the dump list so it can be used. The name for it is Gameplay/Weapons/M82A3/U_M82A3_SP

    Keep in mind that I might be experiencing these issues because I am missing something and not because there's a bug or missing feature for the hack. If so do tell me how I can solve these issues and I will edit the review. I also hope that if some of these are bugs that you will take the time and as soon as possible fix them, something that other BF4 cheat providers don't do cause they are lazy and don't care.
    crotle likes this.
  2. 38jun

    38jun China Reseller Authorized Reseller Customer

    Feb 5, 2017
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    Great reviews
  3. Because FF isn't an AC. It only monitor the player statistics
    I think this would be difficult/impossible to make, since the aimbot looks for the bones of the players I think. When an enemy dies, his hitbox/bones disappears so the aimbot searches for new hitboxes/bones so to speak.
    When you are in a vehicle using vehicle aimbot, don't move the mouse. That will cause those strange movements that you said.
    If you want to easily kill enemies that are inside vehicles, you must use Magic Bullet.
  4. The Born

    The Born Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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    Geez magic bullet really? I don't want to be FF banned.
  5. TheOGHacker

    TheOGHacker Banned

    Apr 2, 2018
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    I think making something like a 'stick aim' or something where you have to press the aim key for aimbot again for it to snap to another person would be great.
  6. The Born

    The Born Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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    Yeah, I don't think it's impossible to make. I hope the devs looks at reviews.
  7. Magic Bullet isn't risky if you use it properly.
  8. The Born

    The Born Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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    Might be a bit off topic but how do I make it not risky then?
  9. I sent you this the other day... just follow it

  10. The Born

    The Born Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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    OK, but that still does not tell me how I can use Magic Bullet safely? It litterly says not to use it.
  11. TheOGHacker

    TheOGHacker Banned

    Apr 2, 2018
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    You can't use magic bullet 'safely' use it or don't use it those are the only options, I use it only for shotguns and it's working perfectly for me and i've used it a lot more than you'd think.
  12. After all, if everything is used in a moderate way without abusing you have 0 odds of getting banned by FF. Then there is the exception of BF4DB... I hate them :mad:
  13. The Born

    The Born Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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    Also did I get 3 extra days for this? I can't tell lol.
  14. crotle

    crotle Boss Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 23, 2018
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    You received 7 extra days, thanks for your review.
    Deleted member 10829 likes this.
  15. Speedi13

    Speedi13 Coder Staff Member Coder

    Dec 14, 2014
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    I had a very stressful with very little time so my response is a bit delayed ;) But I do care :D

    that should work with the equipment editor ;)

    try useing a higher smoothing value

    yes because its checking if the player is visible and not the vehicle
    on some vehicles the vehicle itself can be between the player and you so in general for sniping I would disable that

    I know, somehow the aiming is different in thos positions

    thats strange
    it works for me, make sure to select the correct class
    0:??:?? => Assault
    1:??:?? => Engineer
    2:??:?? => Support
    3:??:?? =>Recon

    0:6:02 -> 9:0:07

    0:7:01 -> 8:0:04

    I added that now :D
    any others that are missing?
  16. The Born

    The Born Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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    Yes, you are indeed right that you can replace grenades and knifes. I must have replaced wrong knife then I guess. My load out is now my dream setup thanks to you! :D

    Yes there indeed single player weapons missing, it does not really matter too much to me but here is a list that I managed to find.

    Most of these weapons might be duplicates to battle pickups but they are actually singleplayer versions. Singleplayer version means they may be edited in the load out like a normal weapon, camo, scopes etc and can be restocked on ammo. Also they don't need to be unlocked.


    As you can see not much to choose from but here they are.
    Deleted member 10829 likes this.
  17. Speedi13

    Speedi13 Coder Staff Member Coder

    Dec 14, 2014
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    enjoy cheating :D

    yes that might be all of them, I searched the game files for weapons containing "_SP" and only find the ones above
    I added them now, create a new weapon-id dump and they will show up ;)
    Deleted member 10829 likes this.
  18. Then can you bypass FF again? With the SPVisor was possible to Bypass until DICE patched it xD They patched all singleplayer weapons or just that one in particular?
  19. The Born

    The Born Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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    I have never been banned for using Singleplayer weapons, I used it all day and nothing.
  20. The Born

    The Born Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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    Yes you can and it safe to use a as well on the anti cheat side however this should go to pre-sale questions and not here.

    Keep in mind that flying is a good way to get banned on BF4DB. If you get banned on BF4DB you will be banned from 95% of all servers in BF4 and the ones you can play on is full of cheaters usually so your better off playing as legit as possible.

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