Battlefield 3 BF3 Review by neogeo567

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by neogeo567, Apr 13, 2015.

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  1. neogeo567

    neogeo567 Member

    Mar 29, 2015
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    #1 neogeo567, Apr 13, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2015
    I'm enjoying this cheat so far. Price is awesome, ton of features, some I have never seen. This review is my honest opinion about the cheat. Well let's get started. (Bare with me, I am horrible at writing reviews)

    Aimbot 9/10
    : Aimbot is fast and precise, and a couple of features I have not come across. Bone scan is really handy is some cases, where you could shoot somebody's feet because there head or chest was not visible. The spread calculations feel smooth and precise, but non-shaking does not seem to work very well. Hopefully it will be improved one day :D. Magic bullet seems great, but I noticed something while using it. There were some walls I could shoot through that the aimbot would not shoot through. If a feature like this was added, where it could check if a player is killable through a wall with Magic bullet, then this aimbot would be beyond godlike. And I have not tried legit settings yet, but I will in the future.

    ESP 10/10: A very clean looking ESP, very professional looking. It has many features from everything from Box ESP, to Video Mode. I personally do not make videos, so I won't be using it very often. But it could be very helpful to some users that upload videos to YouTube. This might make me want to get started though. It also has a handy 2D Radar that again, looks clean and simple. Just what a cheat should have.

    Gun Mods 10/10: This is my favorite part about the cheat. You can be such a troll with these features. For example, you can go on a Sniper only server, and you can use a feature called "Custom Weapon Kills" and you can spoof what weapon you are killing with. So you can run around with a Assault Rifle killing people with snipers xD. In the end, I guess the server can't tell if your using a illegal gun and it won't kick you if your doing so! This gave me a good laugh xD. All the Magic Bullet settings are also located here, along with some spread and recoil settings.

    Removals 10/10: The removals section is a bunch of features that disable certain graphical aspects in the game. Like the feature "No-Sun". It pretty much disables most sun effects. So if that pesky sunlight is getting in your eyes, have no fear EngineOwning is here! Also has features like "No-Taclight" to remove those stupid flashlights. And "No-Blue" seems to increase fps by a little bit. Handy for low-end PC's! Oh I can't forget about Acid-Trip feature xD. But ill let you figure it out for yourself.

    Misc 10/10: Also has alot of cool features I have not come across with other providers. Like Killstreak Sounds! Makes owning noobs so much more enjoying! Has an awesome Auto Heal function that makes you a tough target to kill. Every time you shoot your weapon, it will restore your health to 100%. Also had alot of fun with the "Edit Adminchat Text". I scared a couple of Admin's on thier server by spamming "GG SERVER GOT HACKED REKT" in Admin Chat. They freaked out cause they thought their server got hacked xD. Contains some Punkbuster features as well, like the ability to save screenshots it makes, and to warn you when PB is taking a screenshot.

    Price 10/10: The price is spectacular. 10.00 euros for one month is definitely affordable. For the amount of features the cheat contains, the price is absolutely out of the question. Other cheat providers just charge to much for their services, and you end up sometimes buying a detected hack. Here at EO, you don't have to worry about that. Little to no detections, friendly community, and great prices. What more could you ask for? This is such a great deal that you can't miss out on.

    So what are you waiting for!? Purchase EngineOwning today! You won't regret it, I promise!

    I hope this thread will help anybody out that is thinking about buying the cheat. Have fun and good luck!
    --Sincerely neogeo
  2. Thanks for your feedback, great work! Enjoy your extra weeks, obviously :)
    neogeo567 and realrbn like this.
  3. neogeo567

    neogeo567 Member

    Mar 29, 2015
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    Thank you Skyfail. I'll be sticking around this place. I guess maybe I should download Black Ops and do a review on that xD.

    HACKCHOOB Banned

    Sep 22, 2014
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    Thanks you very much for this detailed review, enjoy your stay here :)
    neogeo567 likes this.
  5. Nova

    Nova 191 loves me c:

    Aug 16, 2014
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    Is it just me or does the BF3 reviews have better reviews? Anyways, awesome comments! I'm sure Speedi will fix that magic bullet autowall bug when he has time.
  6. Flawless

    Flawless Banned

    Aug 16, 2014
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    Make sure to not use the NoSpread in from the GunMods section but turn the NoSpread under Aimbot to NonShaky.

    Thats gonna be pretty thought to do. Some others cheats just check for a penetration distance or something but that certainly is not a good way to do it. Speedi will look into it anyways i guess.
  7. Speedi13

    Speedi13 Coder Staff Member Coder

    Dec 14, 2014
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    #7 Speedi13, Apr 14, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2015
    Also for Aimbotting, NEVER use NoRecoil and NoSpread option at Gunmodes, since its only a visual (and you won't hit well). To remove the real recoil use "Recoil Control"!
  8. neogeo567

    neogeo567 Member

    Mar 29, 2015
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    Will do, ill go try it now.

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