Battlefield V Battlefield 5 Cheat Review

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by Grognak, Nov 23, 2018.

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  1. Grognak

    Grognak Member

    Apr 6, 2018
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    #1 Grognak, Nov 23, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2018
    Hi together and welcome to my very first and hopefully not last cheat review!

    I also used the Battlefield 1 cheat, created by Speedi13 and was very impressed. So it was clear that I stay here, waiting for the Battlefield 5 cheat.
    And the time was definatly worth it.

    I have been playing for 3 days now with this hack and reached level 25 now (unfortunately I don't have too much time to play atm and try to play as legit as possible). But now let's start with the review:

    ESP (10/10 Points)

    Works great and without any poblems. There is a vast variety of options to choose. You can display names, weapon names, Health bars, Bones, Distance; just to mention a few examples. You can also distinguish between displaying all players, friends or enemies only. Best option in my opinion is to only show enemies that are visible. So you won't shoot at somebody behind an obstacle. Helps to prevent FF to catch you.
    There are even more options to choose, so price-perfomance is on top here.
    The ESP works reliable and I have not noticed any bugs.

    Aimbot (10/10 Ponts)

    To be honest: The aimbot had a few bugs right at the release. That's why I acutally wanted to subtract one point, but Speedi13 was up to it and fixed the bugs almost immediately. Which is a really great service and that's why I like this community here so much!!
    The aimbot in my opinion is outstanding! It makes no problems, it doesn't shake (as I read the aimbot of other providers do, which caused bans).
    It includes everything your cheater heart is asking for. Auto aim, Smooth aim, Aim FOV, Stick on Target, Aim on desired body parts, Visibility Checks (very important against FF)
    Her are also much more options to choose.
    But just because of the aimbot itself it is worth to get this cheat. This is a whole lot of fun.

    Gun Mods (9/10 Points)

    To be honest, I think this options should be chosen wisely and carefully. Right now No recoil is maybe safe to use, but it could easily cause a ban. Other features also may be dangerous.
    But the greatest thing is the "bipod mounting mod". Allows you to mount the bipod everywhere, even in the air, while standing. And I am no expert but I think that this is barely detectable xD.

    Misc (10/10 Points)

    Here are also really good options to set. Spectator warning is one important option. The stop/reduce cheating while other players are in the spectator mode.
    Auto spot (works although you can't really spot anymore, lol Dice)
    Edit colors, Friend and Enemy List works also fine and is a usefull option.
    Here are more options as well.
    Another option, which is not mentioned is that it has a video mode. So you can stream and make videos and the cheat is not visible there!

    So I am again really impressed by Speedi's work and can recommend without hesitating.
    And the most important thing is: I would always buy it again!
    Btw: The price is also without any competition: 10€ for one month for a cheat witch so much options is really great.

    So that was my review for BF5. The game itself is also great, a bit buggy, but cool.

    I really thank Speedi and the whole staff for making this possible after this community was at the bottom and almost smashed. You are really great guys!

    Greetings Grognak
    kay0, guest123444, Kraisie and 7 others like this.
  2. Joe

    Joe Member

    Jan 22, 2017
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    Nice Review !!! 10/10
  3. Grognak

    Grognak Member

    Apr 6, 2018
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    Speedi13 likes this.
  4. +rep Nice review
    Grognak likes this.
  5. AimBRoT

    AimBRoT Member Customer

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Nice review, we need more people like you :)
    Grognak likes this.
  6. slapstiK

    slapstiK Administrator Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 7, 2017
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    Thanks for the extensive review. I've added a week to your current bfv subscription.
    martyn, Joe, Grognak and 1 other person like this.
  7. Grognak

    Grognak Member

    Apr 6, 2018
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    Holy moly, christmas arrived earlier this year :B1: Thank you
  8. guest123444

    guest123444 Member

    Jun 5, 2018
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    Been raging hard on BFV, no ban yet. Not even trying to make myself look legit and pre-aim whenever there are enemies. I was expecting a ban by fairfight at this point, but for some reason no ban has hit me yet. Easily doing 50+ kills and under 5 deaths without bans. Using with snipers and lmgs at 0 smooth and 5 fov. The bullet prediction is awesome aswell and works like a charm. No idea if fairfight is turned down to reduce legit players getting banned or whatever's up, but I'm suprised so far. Been raging for like a week now. Good job speedi!
  9. danatu153

    danatu153 Member

    Nov 27, 2018
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    Does I need to setup smth to enable bullet prediction? Sniper never hit for me :-D
  10. guest123444

    guest123444 Member

    Jun 5, 2018
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    If you put smooth on 0.00 it will hit 90% of the time
    Kraisie likes this.

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