Battlefield 1 [REVIEW] EngineOwning for Battlefield 1

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by Deleted member 10829, Jul 21, 2018.

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  1. Hello, this time I'm going to do a review for the Battlefield 1 cheat of EO!



    What to say about this great game, optimized as the ass, but very fun to play it.
    I played it from the beta on PS4, when I started playing on PC I started playing it, I discovered EO and like all the other cheats, I bought the cheat for BF1.
    Then I finished the subscription, after several months I bought it again and here I'm, making this detailed review because I'm bored.



    Most functions were patched, bus still being fun using this cheat.
    Anti-cheat Status: Recently the cheat was detected, but Speedi did a very good job and now it is 100% safe! :D

    Prices: I can't complain, it's pretty good.


    • Name ESP: I don't usually use it, but the few times I have used it, it has helped me to avoid that enemy who always killed me when I played legally without aimbot.
    • Vehicle Name ESP: I have never used it, but it must be useful to know the vehicle that is approaching you.
    • Box ESP: The usual, if you want to know where's all, this function is the most useful. Although sometimes it is bugged, since it shows a box in some location where there isn't a player in fact, I go there with a silly face to those places where there is supposed to be a player xD.
    • (I'm not going to review Bone ESP or Hitbox ESP because it's the same as Box ESP.)
    • Display Friends: I always use this feature when I play with a friend on the opposing team.
    • Display Enemies: Many times I get angry with some player (either because he's very good or because he's a cheater too but not legit as me :mad:) so I activate that to know where he is.
    • Distance ESP: I use it to find the effective distance when I use the sniper, so I always know if I will kill with one shot or not.
    • Health ESP: I usually take advantage of and kill people who have low health always thanks to this.
    • Supplybox ESP: This saved me many times this, since I jump from the airplane with low life and I see a medic kit in the distance.
    • Explosive ESP: Many people use dynamite or mines, so thanks to this I can avoid dying because of that.
    • Pickups ESP: I used it before, but now I only have to press a button to be sentry or another kind of elite class without having to pick it up :p.
    • View ESP: Great to know if the enemy is waiting for you behind a wall.
    • Weapon ESP: Many times, I avoid people who carry automaticos or other weapons of great cadence.
    • Enemy Only: It looks useful, and it is. But I prefer to have it disabled since I know where's my team and enemies are.
    • 2D Radar: Useful for playing legit and not looking around all the time.

    • AutoAim: I don't use it since it's annoying for me.
    • AutoShoot: Perfect to rage and play legit with semiautomatic weapons.
    • Aim FOV: I like it, I have it to 8 to play legit.
    • Smooth Aim: Useful to don't get banned son by Fairfight, I've it set to 5.
    • Stick on target: Turn on this if you don't wanna the aimbot to go crazy when there's various enemies on the Aim FOV.
    • Aim bone: Maybe when I play with sniper in uneffective distance I set the aim bone to head to kill with one shot.
    • Aim Bone Scan: If I've the aimbone set to the chest and result that the enemy is doing headglitch, the aimbot aims to the head, very useful although it lag on large modes.
    • Priority aim at Enemylist: I use it when I think it's convenient, if my enemy is another cheater for example.
    • Don't aim at Friendlist: If I'm raging and I have a friend on the other team, I won't kill him, noice.
    • Spread Prediction Shaky: It doesn't usually hit all the bullets when the enemy is far away, but that is in rare situations. Perfect to rage.
    • Visibility Checks: You're crazy if you play with this off.
    Gun Mods:

    • Never use No Recoil and NoSpread bad versión.
    • Spawn as elite class: This feature isn't seen on the cheat page, but it's an incredible feature. Allows you to become a sentry, in Tankgewer, in Villar Perosa etc as many times as you want. It's my favorite feature of all the cheat :).
    • Unlimited Ammo: I always use it to rage with main weapons, but if you already change secondary weapons as a crossbow doesn't work, it doesn't work with the weapons of the elite classes either :(.
    • Bipod Mounting Mod: Great! I love it because with this I can shoot with the Tankgewer without having to look for an edge or lay down on the ground to shoot.
    • Make Full Auto: I use it always when I'm not using aimbot and I'm shooting with a semiautomatic weapon.

    • Auto-Spot: Another awesome feature, useful to get a lot of spotting points.
    • Invisible GasMask: I am very grateful for this function, because when I wear the mask the vision is very bad, with this the mask disappears.


    Well, a lot of things got patched but this cheat still being a lot of fun. Perfect to play legit or to rage, I recomend it 100% ;)

    randomUser, Niggelas, AimBRoT and 3 others like this.
  2. Speedi13

    Speedi13 Coder Staff Member Coder

    Dec 14, 2014
    Likes Received:
    just spawn something else into the slot of the elite pickup and then spawn the elite pickup back into it again, ez fix ez life
  3. Goodcat

    Goodcat Customer Customer

    May 9, 2018
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    Yeah, like Speedi said.
    When i was playing with Tankgewehr and the other Teammates dont supply me, i spawn for example a second the MG or the Villa Perosa and then immediately the Tankgewehr again. Don´t need unlimmited Ammo with that option ^^
  4. I already know, but I meant that when you use unlimited ammo the recharge animation is repeated continuously, it should be the same as with the main weapons...
  5. Goodcat

    Goodcat Customer Customer

    May 9, 2018
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    Oh Yes, I know what you mean. In the Bf1 Gameplay from me you can see that with the MG mod.
    but yeah, Speedi can fix that tho hopefully in a few days.
    Proton1001 likes this.
  6. Lachsfilet2004

    Lachsfilet2004 ok Customer

    Oct 10, 2014
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    Thanks for your extensive review. I added a week to your current BF1 subscription.
    Deleted member 10829 likes this.
  7. Thank you so much :D

    EPICKYY The cutest Customer

    Jul 11, 2018
    Likes Received:
    thanks for the review

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