MW3/WZ A Good Software But...(Include Poll)

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by -Chiyoko-, Mar 7, 2024.

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Do u want a refresh in the UI?

  1. Yes

    53 vote(s)
  2. No

    8 vote(s)
  1. -Chiyoko-

    -Chiyoko- Customer Customer

    Oct 25, 2022
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    #1 -Chiyoko-, Mar 7, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2024
    Dear EngineOwning team,
    I like the way you guys work and also try to keep the software undetected, all in all a very good help in some situations, but then comes this nice but.
    The menu UI is not comfortable/modern anymore, I would like to see a new UI, something like in Palworld, this UI looks fancy and I could imagine this as a global UI for all the menus you have.
    In addition, you could perhaps round off the whole thing a bit and maybe add things that don't exist yet.
    As an example I can also think of a preset, like a Rage config and a Legit config and maybe also a config repository that you can easily upload with a preview of the config that has been released, i.e. you have an upload page in the forum where you can upload the config.
    Kind regards, Chiyoko

    EDIT: there is a config thread, but I mean loading it directly into the cheat itself, I didnt see that.
  2. Maisylicious

    Maisylicious Customer Customer

    Jan 24, 2024
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    I don't mind the current UI, it's easy to use, I suppose you could make it more eye pleasing, but to me it doesn't matter.
    I'd be more interested in better options for it not to be visible when streaming in discord or twitch, if anything like that is possible.

    I do agree with the comment above regarding the presents, that would be cool, perhaps not just rage or legit, but quick access pre-sets depending if you're on controller or mnk have pre-sets for like multiplayer sniping, BR or resurgence, I think a lot of people would benefit, especially newcomers.

    Not necessarily UI related, but a guide with small summary explanation for each cheat option would be awesome too and have a section for it here -

    I think it would eliminate a lot of repetitive forum posts & questions. Myself, I searched and looked for already existing posts & how to set it up the first time, but a lot of people are lazy and just create new post for this or don't and just try it.

    Good example is for UNLOCK ALL, it says "not safe" and it's off-putting to use until you know how to use. So like a summary in a guide for this would be extremely helpful explaining that this unlocks everything in the game, including not released skins & camos and that it's strongly advised not to use them until after they're released. And also that you should create the gun you want, save it as a blueprint and then probably deactivate it every time before you enter the game etc. Basically quickly explaining what you can do with it as well as how to use it with minimal chances of being detected.
    IF something like this already exists and I have just not seen it, then ignore this part of my comment, but then I'd still suggest to add it to FAOs.

    P.S Thank you guys for the awesome tool and great customer support you're providing to us!!
    CaveiraPT and claire like this.
  3. ihatemw3

    ihatemw3 Member

    Jan 21, 2024
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    I have a slight suggestion. When opening game, don’t let it pop up automatically. Start it off minimized.

    ELITENIGHTGODbbe Customer Customer

    Mar 6, 2024
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    all i am going to say is atm they are working on trying to get it back up and running after the up date what till its back up and ask them
  5. Maisylicious

    Maisylicious Customer Customer

    Jan 24, 2024
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    I actually second this! let the user open it themselves.
    IF You can then set it so it opens up the very first time you open it, but if you have pre-set and saved settings then it doesn't automatically open!!
    zelian likes this.
  6. -Chiyoko-

    -Chiyoko- Customer Customer

    Oct 25, 2022
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    Thread Editet
    Aksam likes this.
  7. jeuwifghue

    jeuwifghue Coder Staff Member Coder Customer

    Jul 20, 2015
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    We were working on overhauling the ESP in first place for the Call of Duty cheat but we have other priorities now since the "incident".

    The current menu used in CoD is simple and 95% are able to use it without problems, all more modern menus bring more complex structures. We wanted to introduce the newer menu framework already with MW2 and then with MW3 as well but always postponed it...
    blazedlikesesp, NamidoesIt and claire like this.

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