Best Warzone "Game assist" ever :D

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by JGOD6666, Jul 18, 2023.

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  1. JGOD6666

    JGOD6666 Member

    Sep 3, 2022
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    I was using the Warzone Caldera Lite for a few months and liked the help I got due to the fact that
    I was basically a bot at a (0.3) KD player with 0 map awareness or sound awareness. :D

    The Lite version crashed many times for me and took almost a few minutes to load for me, possibly because of my slower gaming laptop. I had worries about Virus and my computer telling me not to run the program so it took me a while to even consider installing it, but it was pretty silly for me to think that a company would harm its user since its making money off providing a service lol!

    I was very cautious so I system recover my computer so it started fresh with no information or anything on it other than Warzone and the Engine Owning Game Assist, I don't call it hacks/cheats but more of assisting me in gaming as I am very bad lol.

    I finally pulled the trigger and bought the 3 day pass for Warzone and it is the best for me being a noob.
    I bought the 3 day pass because of the fact that I was crashing so much with the Lite version so I wanted to
    see if there were any issues. Loads fast and NO ISSUES!!! :donut:

    So far I played for over 6 hours each day for 2 days and 0 issues! No crashes, no bugs, nothing went wrong! All the system lag/frame delay were on Warzones side, it's understandable that Activision would have issues with their game because they are a small company with no money to fix their issues or make a better running game LOL!

    :vlc: Don't blame the people providing a service if you are going to be obvious and abuse the Game assist and get banned for your own stupidity! Don't blame the car when you drive it into a freaking house! :vlc:

    :rolleyes:I highly recommend it if you have not yet got the paid version! ;)
    crotle and Homie like this.
  2. Canadian420

    Canadian420 Customer Customer

    Oct 3, 2021
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    Very well said dude enjoy :D
    JGOD6666 likes this.
  3. JGOD6666

    JGOD6666 Member

    Sep 3, 2022
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    3 Day trial went smooth with 0 issues,
    now I got the 3 Month :)
    prdanny221, Homie and Canadian420 like this.
  4. Canadian420

    Canadian420 Customer Customer

    Oct 3, 2021
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    Bravo enjoy it.. its next level
  5. Homie

    Homie Super Gorilla Staff Member Super Moderator Moderator

    Nov 9, 2020
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    Thank you for the nice review!

    I'm glad you are having a good time with the cheat :D
  6. JGOD6666

    JGOD6666 Member

    Sep 3, 2022
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    I call it "game assist" lol; cheats is too harsh of a word for us noobs haha.

    I'm a 0.5 KDA casual player with low map awareness, bad movement, and reflexes of a sloth;
    so basically a Medium difficulty bot for these sweats out there.

    Hardest part now is to not look like you I got em and when I accidently do something sus;
    I turn off aimbot and get killed real quick by running by enemies so it looks like I should of seen them
    and have bad aim all a sudden to try and throw off the on lookers lol.

    Locking onto enemies in the smoke and instantly locking on to players close to each other
    after one is killed or down is a give away that I try to consciously avoid but happens sometimes in fights.
    --- Double Post Merged, Jul 26, 2023, Original Post Date: Jul 20, 2023 ---
    Been using these for a few weeks and no issues or crashes.

    What I realized is that most if not everyone of these "Pro Streamers" are using cheats.
    The biggest dead give away is that the AIM BOT locks on to and shoots the enemies in
    smoke grenades even without indication, ping or even being able to see them; other than
    the facts that they always rotate perfectly with never getting caught by other teams or have
    awareness of the map at all times lol
    Ygxxi likes this.
  7. Szacher

    Szacher Customer Customer

    Nov 3, 2021
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    I am an EO holder since 2021. The code has always been at a high level. The more so that we even have the Lite version of Caldera for free. Great respect for the effort and time you put in for which you expect nothing in return. Well done you!!! I will always with you!!!.
    Homie likes this.
  8. slobodianski

    slobodianski Customer Customer

    Oct 27, 2020
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    Stupid question, how do I open the cheat menu in the game? I closed it and it does not appear with any key
  9. Homie

    Homie Super Gorilla Staff Member Super Moderator Moderator

    Nov 9, 2020
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    It's insert or delete for MW1 and ALT+R for MW2
    daxiashushu likes this.

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