Battlefield 4 [REVIEW] EngineOwning for Battlefield 4

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by Deleted member 10829, Apr 9, 2018.

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  1. #1 Deleted member 10829, Apr 9, 2018
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2018
    Hello, this time I'm going to do a review for my favorite cheat of EO!



    BF4 is a game that I've always liked (it's the best Battlefield for me), I played it many hours on PS4. Then I played it here on PC for many hours as well, but of course. Once I discovered EngineOwning I bought several subscriptions, and I had no money to buy the BF4 hack. Then a month ago, I already had money, so I decided to buy the hack for BF4.
    I loved it from the first day, let's start with the review!



    Undoubtedly, this is the best hack I've used, not only in BF4, in all games. So, I'm going to evaluate all the features.
    Anticheat status: What I've to say, awesome. Bypass to Punkbuster and Fairfight, because I get more tha 200 kills in every game with the railgun trough the map. (yes, Fairfight. As you read, it's possible, but it's a secret :p).

    Prices: Very cheap for what is really this powerful cheat.


    ESP: I use always, but all these sub-features like name, vehicle, box-, bone-, distance-, health-, supplybox etc. They could have a different color, especially view ESP since many times I can't see exactly where the enemy is looking, because it mixes with the box. The enemy/friend list is the best. Very useful if you want to fight against another cheater who isn't using EO to give him a lesson :p. Health ESP is also very useful when it comes to being a sniper. You can take and kill with one shot at someone who has low health with the worst sniper, perfect to don't be suspicious. 2D radar also very useful in hardcore mode if you don't want to use the removals.
    Pickups ESP is one of my favorites too, with it I have found the most powerful weapons that are hidden on the map. Line ESP, I've never seen it useful, but I use it xD. I would like that the position could be customized. And the rest of the features are fine, I always have all ESP features enabled.

    Aimbot: The Auto Aim is perfect for raging using only one hand, the other for something ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) ok no xD. Autoshoot I never use it, except for when I rage. Aim Fov, great to play legit, I have it set to 12 :). Smooth aim, more of the same, I have it set to 8. Aim bone and bone scan, I have it set to the chest, but when they are poking their heads the aimbot automatically aims to the head, I love it. AutoWall, to rage with magic bullet is perfect. Aim to enemy list and not aim to friendlist, great if you want to rage against another cheater, or rage with a friend of yours in the opposite team. Spread prediction shaky, shocking the first few times that you use it, but once you get used to it you notice how powerful it is. You can kill someone who is 500m away without missing a bullet with a support machine gun lol, it's insane! Vehicle aimbot, this feature is one of my favorites since I'm very bad with the turrets of the tanks, helicopters, in general with the vehicles... :( So I love it xD And the other features work's fine.

    Removals: I never play in Hardcore, but I use them, since many times I remove the interface of the game to better appreciate the beauty of the hack :B1:. Oh and I use always the disable friendly fire in servers in that that option is enabled, to prevent some "accidents" of the teammates... .-.

    Gun mods: With the custom kills you can bypass the FF if you know how to choose what gadget to use as custom kill ;). Magic bullet, kill through the walls in a game where it's physically impossible? Wow, if we add that to the vehicles it's already incredible... All the other featuers fine :).

    Misc: (now the best :D) Enable minimap, I always use it, although I see it a bit useless having the 2D radar, but still cool. Spectator warning, super useful, since many times I play legit and it seems that I'm cheating, so when they see me I relax a bit xd. AutoSpot, it makes me very funny. I get a lot of spot points in a game and I help my team :D. Warn on PBSS, I don't see it useful since there is a bypass, but even so, once for curiosity I went to see the PB captures, are they bitmaps? WTF Could someone explainme why? lol. Adminchat, I love it. When I'm raging on a server and people ask admin for help, suddenly I say "Admin here" xD or "Visit" :3, and the people like... WTF!!??? Force unlocks, yeah it's pretty good, but sometimes depending on the weapon I spawn with nothing and I have to redeploy, why?. Spawn Battle Pickups, thanks to this I can bypass the Fairfight! Autoheal, with this I can be immortal, but sometimes they kill me lel. Ping Spoofer, I always use it, although my natural ping is pretty good (30-50) I always use it, having it to 5-15 :cool:. Invisibility, I love trolling with this. AutoVote, same, I start accusing people randomly, reason: Noob xD. Equipement Editor, I have never known how to use it, I would like to use it. I would appreciate someone explaining it to me :). Flymode, great, I can fly to 32497892387 km/h from flag to flag in less than a second :B1:. Oh and a Instant Spawn, I use it to capture the first flags before the round is started.

    Equipement Editor: I just used this feature for the first time... awesome, two letters "GG" Speedi!

    HWID Spoofer: Sometimes I got a problems with the games, problems like "Invalid license" or, "too many computers have used this game, try it later" (wtf I've only one computer lel) Thanks to that, I can play without those problems :D.



    Sincerely, the best EngineOwning cheat, I've never had so much fun raging in a game, I totally recomend it. Thanks @Speedi13 for code the most powerful cheat on the market for BF4 That's why you're the best Frostbite engine cheat coder ;)

    I hope that in the future you can code a hack for other game like this, or more powerful, cheer up!

  2. LogixX

    LogixX Customer Customer

    Apr 5, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Hey, I tested a cheat at another vendor one week ago but got banned very fast by Fairfight ...
    Why do not you share your secret with us? I would like to "rent" a cheat here but fairfight banishes very fast :(

    Thank you for your rating, I've been looking for a clever cheat for some time. You described your experience with the cheat well, thank you!
    Deleted member 10829 likes this.
  3. I recomend it you, if you decide to buy you will not regret!! :D ;)
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 9, 2018 ---
    I'm not sure about sharing that, because if it starts to use a lot of people, DICE will patch it. But it doesn't matter, you can use Magic Bullet without problems, before knowing that, I used magic bulle and custom kill and I was not banned, I did games with more than 100 kills. ohh and you can create multiple gametime accounts to test the cheat yourself! ;)
    LogixX likes this.
  4. LogixX

    LogixX Customer Customer

    Apr 5, 2018
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    Okay, thanks for the info, is it important to have a HWID spoofer?
  5. And about being banned by Fairfight quickly, is what other providers have... EngineOwning warns you when you are flagged by FF, saying "play less obvious", thanks to that you will probably never be banned
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 9, 2018 ---
    Yup, because when you are banned by FF, it bans the HWID (Hardware ID, a number that has your PC associated) so you can't create more accounts and play. Thanks to the spoofer you can create unlimited accounts and play the trials
    LogixX likes this.
  6. LogixX

    LogixX Customer Customer

    Apr 5, 2018
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    thank you for your help :)
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 9, 2018 ---
    i was banned by fairfight bevor i join in the round .... -.-
    Deleted member 10829 likes this.
  7. martyn

    martyn Customer Customer

    Jun 6, 2016
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    #7 martyn, Apr 9, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2018
    Did you use the hwid first spoofer first?
    As mentioned, they ban you computer ID.
    So even without hacks if you don't use the spoofer your account will be banned
    Deleted member 10829 and LogixX like this.
  8. LogixX

    LogixX Customer Customer

    Apr 5, 2018
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    okay, now is worked, thanks
  9. If it's the first time you're banned by FF don't worry, the first ban will last 1 week. Then you'll can stop using the HWID Spoofer when playing without the cheat.
    LogixX likes this.
  10. Thank you for this very detailed review :) I added additional 7 days to your subscription!
  11. Thanks! :D
  12. Motorweed

    Motorweed Member

    Feb 10, 2018
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    Thank you Sergio for keeping my secret :)
    Deleted member 10829 and LogixX like this.
  13. Our secret you mean;)
  14. alharis

    alharis Member

    Feb 1, 2018
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    Hello. thank you for review. I use this cheat 3 months. I use HWID Spoofer and everytime but iam banned from BF4Db "Linked Acunt" have you a solution ?
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 10, 2018 ---
    Share your secret hahaha
  15. LogixX

    LogixX Customer Customer

    Apr 5, 2018
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    what use you from the cheat? too obvious?
  16. alharis

    alharis Member

    Feb 1, 2018
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    I use only: aimbot (random), walhack, flymode, unlimited amo. I never use Magic bullet etc. I have a problem only with BF4DB !!!
  17. Don't use the dmg modifier, use magic bullet. Well, wait I'll send you my rage config :)
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 10, 2018 ---
    @alharis @Sniker I use this always, and I never got banned, doing around 100 kills per round. But now that I know how to byPass Fairfight I can do infinite kills without flags and bans :B1:

    Battlefield 4 Screenshot 2018.04.10 -

    Battlefield 4 Screenshot 2018.04.10 -

    Battlefield 4 Screenshot 2018.04.10 -

    Battlefield 4 Screenshot 2018.04.10 -

    Battlefield 4 Screenshot 2018.04.10 -

    I always rage with this config, I promise that it's safe, if you don't do more than 100 kills and you let kill 1 or 2 times obviuosly...
  18. LogixX

    LogixX Customer Customer

    Apr 5, 2018
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    can you release your FF bypass? pls :c
  19. alharis

    alharis Member

    Feb 1, 2018
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    Yes masbe custom kill good for not detection ?
    personal me if I put all that without the custom kill my record is 12 min and banned
    --- Double Post Merged, Apr 11, 2018 ---
    One more thing, the admin chat does not work, it's just for us the others see your normal message. I tested with a friend. Do you also have the bug that crashes the server if we use the drone?
    Hhaxxer likes this.
  20. With the custom kill nothing happens if you have it disabled, in theory. The risk of ban is the same. It also depends on how you kill.

    Look, I leave you here a guide in which you will learn the basics about Fairfight and how to avoid the ban.

    Did you press End key?

    I never used the drone, but there are many ways to crash the server

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