SWBF2 [REVIEW] Engine Owning for Star Wars Battlefront II

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by Deleted member 10829, Feb 10, 2018.

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  1. Hello, here again. This time I will review the SWBF2 hack!



    SWBF2 is a game that has not triumphed much, but it's still a great game. I use EngineOwning to play legit and raging, and as always it's great.
    I bought EngineOwning for SWBF2 simply to troll with the magic bullet, but not only I play it that way, I play with it almost always in a legit way. Well, let's start the review! :D



    It is definitely a big hack, it has everything the same as in SWBF1 but without fly mode :( I hope that @Speedi13 adds that in the future but anyways thank you so much for this!
    It has a very big protection agains Fairfight, you can play legit 100% secure and (I would say) 64'23% playing rage secure with magic bullet and damage multiplier. But if you cheat too obvious you will probably get banned as always.
    There is a featured called "Force bone update" that I don't know what it does, but it's always active and it bothers me because it causes lag... I would like to know exactly what it does since in the description it only says that it's experimental. The feature "Autocooldown reset" -> "Select super cooldown reset" are impressive, work's perfectly and it's very useful.
    The aimbot it's good too, I use always smooth aimbot playing legit for don't get flagged by FF.

    And everything else works perfectly and it's great

    I recomend this cheat a lot, it's very secure and perfect for playing legit! I give a rate of 10 ;)

    jps, Speedi13 and AimBRoT like this.
  2. Speedi13

    Speedi13 Coder Staff Member Coder

    Dec 14, 2014
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    in the Beta it was possible but after that it seems to be fixed
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 10, 2018, Original Post Date: Feb 10, 2018 ---
    it forces the games engine to always update all player models and their bones. I added the checkbox because on some peoples pc's that might be too much for their pc so it can be disabled with that option.
  3. NOOOOOO!!!! Well I've SWBF hack for that at least
    Yea I know, I disable it always but it's not like other features that you can sabe if it's activated or not. With Force bone update is disabled and I press "sabe" it's not saved apparently
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 10, 2018 ---
    @Speedi13 the chat meme generator is patched too? I ask it because if it isn't patched it would be good if you add it to the hack to be able to troll people
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 10, 2018 ---
    I used a lot in the beta, it was a hack by Colton Pearson
  4. filippovexx

    filippovexx Member

    Oct 3, 2016
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    @Speedi13 , when will the hack for SWB2 come back online? I look forward to it, I've already been your customer for the same hack!
  5. ThisIsMyAccount

    ThisIsMyAccount Member

    Jan 7, 2019
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    yem when comes the hack back

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