Honest EngineOwning Testimonial for Halo Infinite

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by Reaction, Dec 4, 2021.

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  1. Reaction

    Reaction Member

    Apr 18, 2020
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    After using roughly 20 different cheat providers in the last 10 years I have to say EngineOwning's cheat for COD is absolutely one of the best cheats I've ever used. When I purchased the Halo Infinite cheat I was hoping for the same quality, Unfortunately the quality is just not the same.

    ESP 5/10

    I have to give the ESP a 5/10 because the health bars are not working, there is no beautiful skeletons like there are in the COD cheat, there are no shield's for enemy players shown, no weapons on players etc...

    Aimbot 4/10

    The first thing I noticed is that there is 0 prediction done in the cheat, the COD cheat I could shoot people going 10000 mph skydiving, or driving in the car across the map, however with this if I try to snipe people moving, or in vehicles there is just 0 prediction.

    Overall 5/10

    I am giving this a 5/10 because honestly there is not that many other cheats for halo infinite available at the moment, but the quality is just not there. I was really hoping for something more along the lines of the COD cheat since this game is so large, and given the reputation of EO. They really have a long way to go to be competitive with the Halo cheating scene right now.
    Swiftie, retsu1003 and alanshacks like this.
  2. couchdog

    couchdog Member

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Yeah I bought because it said it had skeleton but I don't see that option. Only boxes. Aim also goes through walls so its best to have it on shoot key which can be a bit obvious if you're shooting and kill someone then snap onto someone through the wall
  3. jeuwifghue

    jeuwifghue Coder Staff Member Coder Customer

    Jul 20, 2015
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    Skeletons come in the next update, also with a shield display.

    They are working.

    The CoD cheats also had no perfect prediction one day after release. The CoD cheat is out for more than several months, have you maybe thought about that? There are still many improvments to be made.

    If you say so.

    Visibility check should come at some point.

    Nonetheless thanks for the review.
    JordanW, Grafh and AndrewBlack1821 like this.
  4. Reaction

    Reaction Member

    Apr 18, 2020
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    The health bars for me are just stuck at 100 at all times
  5. .0

    .0 Super Moderator Staff Member Super Moderator Moderator

    Feb 2, 2016
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    Thats probably because the enemy armor is still not fully gone. Health ESP works just fine for me, you just dont see it updating as long as you didnt fully shot down the enemy shield.
    Deutschländer likes this.
  6. razeN

    razeN Member

    Feb 2, 2020
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    The healthbar is working but the healbar is configured for 100hp player, but in Halo Infinite we have more than 100hp :).

    For the price on the market, its perfect for me. I just wait for stream proof :p

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