Modern Warfare (2019) My Review

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by Didier_Madeira, Sep 27, 2021.

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  1. Didier_Madeira

    Didier_Madeira Customer Customer

    Aug 29, 2021
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    #1 Didier_Madeira, Oct 5, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2021
    Hi everyone.

    Hope you are all well.

    Want to share a story with you guys and try to explain why this service is amazingly great (for a person like me at least).

    I'm a 40 years old cancer surviver. Unfortunately went through cancer 2 times in a row, huge tumors and almost died. This was in 2019 and I'm all good and in remission now!

    Just when I was back on track to regain my professional and financial life, the fucking pandemic ruined all my future hopes and got laid off from work from March 2020 until March 2022 - I work on the entertainment business as a Tour Manager for Touring Artists and as you can imagine, it's been quite impossible. It sucks!

    Anyway, in order to not get my right leg amputated to remove the tumor on top of my kidneys I went though a really heavy chemo protocol in order to destroy the huge tumor. We did it, but the heavy chemo damaged my organism really bad.

    I have chronic pain due to the chemo, I take a lot of pills for that and also, I can't feel the nervous tips of my body. Like for example the tips of my fingers. Chemo really fucked me up really bad.

    I got really depressed with all this happening and per advice of the Oncology-Psiquiatrist he told me that would be cool for me to play videogames online and maintain daily contact with friends.

    Then I found out that a couple friends play Warzone and started playing but as you can imagine it's really difficult for me to engage on a gunfight properly - I can't feel the tips of my fingers so the only way I can play is with a controller playing with the middle of my fingers on the sticks - Still very difficult to aim and stuff.

    I found it really hard for me to play Warzone in this conditions, tried to play other games, but for some crazy reason, I can only get motivated to play Warzone even being really trash.

    I'm all chill and love to play for wins, not kills, but still, very hard for me and frustration comes along no matter how much you love the game.

    At first I was really skeptical to use cheats but then I thought that for a dude like me going through all this bullshit that using cheats playing normal as usual would put me on an equal level. I only use walls and no recoil and that's it. I love to play, move around the map, complete contracts, not getting shot in the back of all a sudden and I just play safe, having fun, killing just when I have to, never killed more than 10 per game and only got 3 victories. It's all good and I'm truly happy. Got to enjoy the game I love in an equal way. I almost never win because I play like I'm not cheating but I stopped getting killed outta nothing (except fellow hackers lol), always enjoy the game and when I die it's because the other player was really good and I truly respect that. I'm all good with that.

    And even more. One of the 3 games that I won was incredibly funny and awesome:

    In between games I went to the restroom and when I got back I was already on the ground with 2 other sleepers. Killed them and then a dude crossed over with a Bertha. Classic! (LOL). Won the Gulag and got 3 kills. Then I just moved around to map running away from everyone until I was just against the last one - Somehow I got to kill him and won the game. In the end chat everyone was going crazy screaming: You Fucking Cheater and all the stuff and I got really stressed out but was thinking: I just killed 4 dudes! Lol. Then someone called for my User Name and said that I killed an hacker with 59 kills in the end and everyone was like: You killed an hacker you fucking goat and stuff like that! Hahaha - That was really really funny! Lol

    To be finalize this huge post, EO is great, they do a great job, this is really cheap and we have to patiently wait whenever they're ready. I prefer a million times that they work properly on it than to speed things up because of angry customers. At least, me, I totally understand it. I've been using for a couple weeks now playing like this and NOW I'm having a lot of fun, never got banned, never had issues and I love to play with the hacks the way I use. Feels like I'm not cheating. But that's me. With all the meds that I take I think my brain can't process properly killing 30 dudes in 2 minutes. Lol

    Sorry for the long post sharing personal stuff, but hope to motivate other people that use cheats or wants to use it but feels bad about it.

    Once again, thanks for the incredible service.

    All the best.
    --- Double Post Merged, Oct 5, 2021, Original Post Date: Sep 27, 2021 ---
    Hi everyone.

    Since this thread is still open, just want to share some experience I had using EO on legit settings without getting banned (Warzone).

    Like I mentioned before, I was only using walls and no recoil but tried the settings posted on YouTube by "Dr Engine Owning" on August 9th with aimbot and this settings are incredible (to play legit).

    It's a lot of fun and right now I've been using EO for a month, never got banned and it's been awesome. I bought the spoofer just in case, but so far didn't have to use it.

    You can still be banned, nowadays everything is cheating, everyone is frustrated with the game and you get reported all the time even without using any cheats. It feels like a big mess with Activision Blizzard and Raven.

    Anyway, this are my tips from my own experience to those that want to cheat but maintain the same account and still have a lot of fun:

    - Everyone knows this one, but always good to mention it again: Don't track enemies through the wall before killing them. The Killcam will denounce you right away.

    - Hip Fire kills specially headshots are always a big risk, I think.

    - Killing people in the air, also not a good look.

    - Kills with no recoil from an enemy moving or in vehicles from a considerable distance, also suspicious - I have my settings to not finish the enemy when he is downed, so I always let them rez and kill them after - Kill Cam will be in your favour then.

    - When you get someone spectating you, just camp in a safe spot, preferable inside an house and just camp without checking the windows and do not track through walls while camping when someone is spectating you. They will all get bored from watching and leave, most of the time.

    - I do Recons and Scavs, move around the map killing only when necessary and when it gets really tight I have the info from the last circles, get the best position and with the legit hacks on, easy wins and lots of fun. No bad comms when killing someone and end game chat when I win has always been all GGs only.

    For what I was looking for, EO has been great so far. I love it.

    Also, EU lobbies starting from 0.70 KD lobbies up are all demons. Even hacking I get killed. Everyone got so good at the game OR a lot of people are hacking. Lol. That being said, I was watching a Jack Fraggs YT video about using a VPN for easier lobbies, I tried it and it's been a lot of fun as well - Just an extra tip.

    Once again, sorry for the long post.

    Hope everyone is having a great day.

    All the best :)
  2. Homie

    Homie Super Gorilla Staff Member Super Moderator Moderator

    Nov 9, 2020
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    #2 Homie, Oct 6, 2021
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2021
    Thank you for the great review!

    Its really nice to hear that you’re in remission now. As someone that is dealing with chronic pain too I can really relate to your story. Barely anyone thinks about the aspect that cheats can also act as an aid for physically impaired gamers. I’ve heard some really interesting stories similiar to yours from people with different disabilities like deaf or amputated users and I’m so happy that we can provide a way to make the game enjoyable for you.

    The whole staff team wishes you a good and fast recovery.

    I have added 7 days to your sub. Have fun!

    By the way, if you have issues with the regular xbox controller you should take a look at the adaptive controller. Its highly customizable.
  3. Didier_Madeira

    Didier_Madeira Customer Customer

    Aug 29, 2021
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    Thanks a lot for the kind words Homie and EO Staff.

    I already checked that adaptive controller from Xbox and will give it a try soon.

    All the best!
    Canadian420, Kawi_vic and Homie like this.
  4. Crusher

    Crusher Member

    Sep 17, 2020
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    Yeah, this is awesome.
    That was a good read and glad to hear you are in remission, bro.
    I play the same way you play, so that is cool too. Most kills I have ever gotten even with hacks is 17... and that was in rebirth, lol.
    I never rage. Ever. It just isn't fun for anyone in my opinion, but to each his own :)
    EO is great. That is for sure. I have been here for a year now and never had trouble with bans or even been shadow banned.
    Playing smart is definitely the way to go. I will literally die before I give away anything, lol. (and always keep that heartbeat on you, haha)
    Hope you both have a great night!
    Didier_Madeira and Homie like this.
  5. Didier_Madeira

    Didier_Madeira Customer Customer

    Aug 29, 2021
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    Thanks a lot man!

    Happy to know that there are other users playing legit. I would love to team up with fellow "legit" hackers and play some duos without getting banned or anything. If you feel like it, let me know.

  6. Homie

    Homie Super Gorilla Staff Member Super Moderator Moderator

    Nov 9, 2020
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    We also have a dedicated megathread for finding users to play with
    Didier_Madeira likes this.

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