Halloween Sale 2020

Discussion in 'Announcements and News' started by AimBRoT, Oct 31, 2020.

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By AimBRoT on Oct 31, 2020 at 8:34 PM
  1. AimBRoT

    AimBRoT Member Customer

    Sep 7, 2014
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    for the pleasure of Halloween, we've applied a temporary discount on our products.
    The discount will be available till the 02.11.2020.

    Happy Halloween,
    the EngineOwning Team


Discussion in 'Announcements and News' started by AimBRoT, Oct 31, 2020.

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    1. vicotorino1993
      Does this apply to resellers or do they not opt in?
      ferfalkem likes this.
    2. Dark90
      Does your subscription time countdown begin day of purchase, or day of first use?
    3. jerrydavidss
      [QUOTE = "Dark90, publicación: 209846, miembro: 147162"] ¿La cuenta regresiva del tiempo de suscripción comienza el día de la compra o el día del primer uso? [/ QUOTE]

      I have asked that myself, to take an offer and use it when I finish this subscription that I have 2 more days
    4. vicotorino1993
      I want to buy but it doesn't make
    5. shlomaa2
      this is the type of mods they have wow this is sad

      Attached Files:

    6. Shii
      its not rude tbh if you look when you joined the discord it said it is not a place for asking support questions pretty self explanatory just because you don't like how it was handled that's on you, do a quick google search and im sure you can find what you're looking for
      --- Double Post Merged, Nov 5, 2020 ---
      day of purchase but if the cheat goes down for an update or something like that your time will be compensated
    7. RageStyle
      You deserved that.
    8. SubMadic
      It is all a scam, bought 3 days worth, and have tried everything under the sun. All i did was install useless shit on my PC and a VPN. All it did was say failed to install Stellar and Troubleshooted that from what they said. Its all BS. Don't Purchase
    9. zylsium
      You're an idiot. I've been a engineowning customer for 17 weeks now, and they have done nothing but provide great service. You're an idiot.
      drd, E7PSY, Verb and 3 others like this.
    10. RageStyle
      Your life is a scam.
      drd and E7PSY like this.
    11. Darkstar08
      If you're getting a stellar error your AV is blocking it. have you even checked that? Windows security will flag it and block a sys file that you need to allow.
    12. vaqepuge
      for me my pc wasnt updated then i updated and now it works fine
    13. ShmexySham
      Its far from a scam. EO is a amazing service and all their troubleshooting works.
    14. vaqepuge
      do u guys reckon their gonna finish uopdating soon?
    15. ShmexySham
      It depends on the update really, I hope it finishes soon but you never know, just got to be patient and EO will compensate for downtime
    16. vaqepuge
      would i get some days back because i bought 3 day would hey give the days back
    17. ShmexySham
      For the time that the cheat is down, EO will add that time onto your subscription so you will still get your 3 days worth out of the cheat.
    18. jamelsof2
      hey dude why not work cheating
    19. vaqepuge
      ok thanks for the help
      --- Double Post Merged, Nov 7, 2020 ---
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