Some hacks (MW3,BF3,BF4,BO2) and EO

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by Kraisie, Jun 6, 2016.

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  1. Kraisie

    Kraisie Customer Customer

    Jan 7, 2016
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    #1 Kraisie, Jun 6, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2016
    First of all I will start with MW3 since it was my first subscription here on this site. But I have to say that this one was already 3 or 4 months ago and I may not remember everything exactly how it was.

    Because it was my first hack I want to start with the
    installation of the Loader:
    First you will have to download the Loader, which will be generated. It took some time, but after some minutes it was finished and downloaded. The following steps were all easy to do (like extracting) and starting it.
    The Loader starts really fast and is neatly arranged. So no problems there.

    Now to
    ESP: Box-ESP, Name-ESP and Bone-ESP worked perfectly fine. I once tried Weapon-ESP, but I did not really liked it and turned it off gain. Not because of any problems, but for me it just filled my Screen with more or less useless information. But for those who like it and want to use the weaknesses of the different weapons I can say: You can see which weapon the enemy uses and try to outplay them on this way, which works fine. I never used the Aimspot-ESP (To see where the aimbot aims).
    Aimbot: I mostly used the Aimtype Crosshair, so I can not say a lot to "Aimtype Damage". At "Aimtype Crosshair" most times the aiming was a joy to the eye since it was aiming at those enemies that I wanted to aim at. But when a lot of enemies were close together it jumped between them even if the first one was not dead at this time. That killed me some times, but it does not really affect anything. Next point is SilentAim. Well to this I can just say that it worked like it should and it was awesome. BoneScan was a little bit tricky. Sometimes when there was an enemy behind one of these "little car thingys" on Terminal, where you can shoot his feets, the aimbot did not aim at those feets and I had to wait for other Bones to get out of cover, or get behind that cover to kill him with the aimbot (you could also just shoot manually). I did not use Aimlock, like you can see at the part to Aimtype Crosshair. Aimkey was on my right mousebutton when I had it on, so it aimed whenever I aimed. No Problems with that. Autoshoot was pretty fast and reliabale. The Configurable AimFov was in my opinion quite nice to have. At last the Prediction for the Aimbot. At this point I have to say Great Job! Normally I have a good ping whenever I play, but MW3 has not that many players and if I am not host I do not have the best ping every time. Sometimes it gets up to 150ms. So it was a relief for me to do not have to quit that round, since the prediction of the Aimbot was that good even with high ping.
    Misc: No-Spread was a nice thing since aiming with zoom (right-mouse) took some time and even without aimbot shooting just straight on the enemies worked like charm with that. But sometimes I thought that even with No-Spread not every bullet hit, while I was the whole time perfectly aimed on the enemy. But I think that was just my brain and not a problem with the hack. No-Recoil worked fine. I never used Uninfector, Force Class, Force Juggernaut, End Round and Swap Teams. And I did not really got the effect of Anti Aimbot, since nothing changed for me while had it activated. So I can not say anything about that.
    Host: Force Host was nice to have in a game with not that many players to always have a good ping. But it bothered me that the round starts immidiatly with it. So the countdown starts while separating the players in the Lobby, which was just me and maybe one or two other players. So it was clear that one of us two, or three had to be a cheater and personally I did not like that. Even if I rage-hacked in the following round. Furthermore I was just host for this one round. If the round was over I was not host any more and had to start my own lobby again. 18 Player Lobby is perfect in this game to have some more victims to get your scores a litte bit faster. Godmode and Unlimited Ammo did what they should and kept me alive and firing like with a mini gun. One Hit Aimbot did not really work for me. I do not know if this depends on some other things, but whenever I tried it, it did not work. I never tried Anti Leave and high Jump.
    Menu: Clear design and easy controllable.
    Since I do not know where to put this thing I will say it here: EO-MW3 crashed some times. It was okay in the quantity, but it still f*cked me up sometimes.

    Conclusion: All together EO-MW3 is a really nice hack and I would buy it again, but in the last months a lot of free programms were released which could do that what I wanted a MW3-Hack to do also. So if the game would not be dead anyway and there would be some more things to achieve I would say that there should be some more updates and stuff, but in this state of the game and the things the hack can do already it is nothing to declare in my opinion.

    ESP: Name-, Vehicle-, Box-, Bone-, Distance-, Health-, Supplybox-, Explosives-, Gadget-, Soldier-Hitbox-ESP worked fine and could be changed in color individually. I did not use Display Friends, Display Enemies, Line ESP, Pickups-ESP, Weapons-ESP (same reason like MW3) and the 2D Radar. There was only one problem I had with the ESP and that was not even the ESP, but the ColorConfigManager. To change the colors of the hack, the ColorConfigManager opens and you could chose your preferred colors. After that you have to save and everything should work. Well, in my case it did not and I ended up changing the Color in the Config myself. And that was quite sinewy for me since I had to look up the numbers of the colors in red, blue and green and copy them to the config file. But once that was done the ESP looked wonderful.
    Aimbot: Since FairFight was at the first moment quite "fishy" to me I never activated AutoAim, AutoShoot, Stick on Target, AutoPreAim, AutoWall and NoSpread until one point. While these 30 kills lasted until the FF ban hit me they worked awesome and shredded anybody to dust who got in my way. But FairFight f*cked me over for that ( :D ). Aim FOV is awesome, but I kind of do not like that the regulator switch thing is that small, so I could just get 0; 2,XX and 4,XX. I could not get to 1, or 3, but I think that could be changed in the config file. Nevertheless it bothered me. AimBone worked fine for Chest, Pelvis and Head, but "Random", which I thought would hit all parts somehow equally (in percent), hit the head too often in my opinion. I did not use pSilent, Priority aim at Enemylist and Don't aim at Friendlist. The NoSpread which I stated further in combination with my FairFight Ban is a shaky one and I really have to say that I love those shaky ones. Too bad FF gets that :(. Furthermore the Aimbot never aimed while I reloaded since I turned that off. Aim at vehicles was a thing I desired, but somehow did not fulfill the wishes I had. It still took me many attempts to shoot someone out of jet with MagicBullet on. I did not really understood the use in NoRotation so I did not turn it on.
    Removals: Turned on Mini-Map, HUD, NameTags and Hit-Indicators when playing hardcore. No problems. Just that I had to switch it every time the map changed even if I saved it in my config.
    Gun Mods: I did not use these until my FF-Disaster. But then MagicBullet was a total beast and a funny thing to kill someone with a medipack or something since you can change the weapon that appears for them/ in the Feed after you killed them. Or a headshot with a knife or a beacon.

    ( I will stop telling what I did not use and will just name those I did use)

    Misc: The Spectator Warning sure saved me a lot of times. Although it showed up at the point the spectator started spectating me, it did not "go away" after the spectator changed its target and just disappeared after changing the map when the round was over. If the hack warned me about a screenshot of Punkbuster it lagged for a second and it showed the message. But if I turned the warning off and screenshots were taken, which still were cleared, it did not lag. So I do not know if it was the warnings fault, but for me it lagged when I had it on and a screenshot was taken. Those screenshots were all perfectly saved and some even look quite nice (Scenery). Editing the ESP-Colours see at ESP. Force Unlocks did not work every time. Sometimes if I did not unlock the weapon before, I spawned without a weapon. AutoHeal is fine, but not the same as GodMode. Too bad that this does not exist in Battlefield. But apart from that I never died while holding left mouse and getting shot. Problems were just the vehicles and snipers. You can not hit left mouse if there is already a bullet in your head from across the map -_- Ping Spoofer helps a lot to explain some preaim, but on some servers it just shows you with literally NO ping. That is quite bad if you want to stay under the radar. The Equipment Editor had some problems with a primary weapon as secondary or something like that. Then the weapon had no sight on it and I had it a little bit harder to aim with that.
    HWID-Spoofer: Well, it does not really care but I liked the CMD-Layout of the HWID-Spoofer. Even if it is nothing special and you never really see it.

    Furthermore I have to say that one day I had some problems with the hack, which caused my game to crash everytime. But still on the same day the coder of the hack (Speedi13) solved it and was really supportiv, so a big thanks to him and his awesome support he gives to users.

    Conclusion: That Hack was really a wonderful thing and did all I wanted it to do. The only thing that bothers me about this is FairFight, but that has nothing to do with the hack, so I can just recommend this hack.

    ESP: more or less the same to BF4
    Aimbot: more or less the same to BF4
    Removals: No-Sun really helped me with some Snipers up on mountains. It really helps to see better. In my opinion No-Blue looks better, but while in a tank it causes the visibility of the crosshair to go down a bit. It would be helpful to have something like an "enlightend orange" for that. No Taclight explains itself and helped also getting not blinded by anyone who just glued a #*§!&§ flashlight to his weapon to §#!* everyone up. I do not know in how far the acid trip helps you, but it is worth a look :D
    Gun Mods: more or less the same as BF4, but what I did not mention there is that I am really sad that I can not shoot somebody out or their tank. I would really like it, but since it is not implemented already, I think that this is not possible :(
    Misc: I really have to say that I love AutoSpot. It just give you soooo many points, you can not even follow your score rising (maybe a little bit exaggerated). But Jokes aside: it really is a thing that does help the whole team to win and even gives you points beside those 200 when you win the round. So it is a win-win for you and your team. Even if the other team loses double, but we do not care about them. They chose the wrong side and have to carry the consequences. A thing I also like are the killsounds, because they bring some life in that game. And a big thanks to the guy who uploaded the Spongebob-Killsounds :D The rest is already stated in BF4 or will not be mentioned by me.
    Conclusion: The hack is more or less similar to the BF4 hack, but what makes the difference is the game. So I really enjoyed this hack a lot more than the BF4 hack, just because of the game. But in regard of the hack I can just say that this is one of the best hacks I have ever seen.

    I just have this hack for two days now, but I think that I have seen enough to tell at least a little bit about it.

    ESP: I just used Bone-, Name and Box-ESP all just for a short time, when somebody annoyed me too much and I had to make him quit. So I turned on Name-ESP and ran every time towards him. So I can say that the names are always right and so are the Boxes and Bones.
    Aimbot: Just awesome. I play most of the time with SilentAim FOV 1 or 2 and it hits like Chris Kyle. Sometimes it looks suspicious in the Killcam, but not that anybody writes that I am a hacker. Furthermore it hits first on the chest, but even in hardcore I get enough headshots so I do not have to change between the modi to get some headshots.
    Triggerbot: Never used it
    2D-Radar: Never used it
    Misc: NoSpread was first a little bit suspicious to me since I thought, that it would be unsafe, but after some reports of users like c1pher I turned it on and never turned it off again. It is just wonderful to hit a noscope straight in the face. Even if the person is just some meters away to keep TAC away from me. But if you use an LMG and run around spraying like sh!t and it keeps hitting, it feels like a dream come true :D

    The config I used for BO2 is Config1 from: and even without visuals it still destroyed my enemies.
    I played with Config4 too, but on redacted against Bots. But still I can say that it this thing really know how to do its thing. Problem is just that online you would get banned by TAC :(

    Conclusion: All in All a really good hack and worth the money. And I just played 2 days.

    At the end I want to say something about EO in general. I really like it here and everybody is nice. Shout-Out to TwIXx here to help me get a subscription with his PayPal. Furthermore I got helped quick everytime I had a question by Supporters, Members or Coders. Also the members who are quite active in the shoutbox or in support etc always keep a friendly atmosphere to each other, which strengthens me at staying at this site.

    You are awesome *Thumbs-Up*


    Excuse me for my bad english but I hope, even if I wrote a lot and not necessarily the most helpful review, that I could help some users who are not sure about this site and hacks. Or give the guys of EO feedback, which may help.
  2. c1pher

    c1pher Member Customer

    Jul 24, 2015
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    randomUser, Kraisie and Death like this.
  3. Death

    Death Autist, not EO staff Customer

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Same cant read that long review atm xd nice work Kraisie
    Kraisie likes this.
  4. kokole

    kokole Member

    Nov 28, 2014
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    Whoah what a review! Thank you for taking your time and writing this.
    Kraisie likes this.
  5. Luigin4tor

    Luigin4tor Triggerlegende

    Sep 17, 2015
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    I don't even know what to write...
    Very well written and detailed reviews, thanks alot! :)
    Kraisie likes this.
  6. hypexk

    hypexk Member

    Jun 30, 2015
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    sheesh 10/10 would read again
    Kraisie likes this.
  7. Impressive review, I added one week to both of your subscriptions! :)
    martyn and Kraisie like this.
  8. Tyr

    Tyr EO Guru Promoter Customer

    Nov 17, 2014
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    Nice Feedback. One of the best so far. Maybe @Skyfail can stick this to show other how a feedback have to lool like.
    Kraisie likes this.
  9. Kraisie

    Kraisie Customer Customer

    Jan 7, 2016
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    Thanks to you all for that positive feedback <3
  10. Why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Death and Tyr like this.

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