Battlefield V Review from Csgo Cheater

Discussion in 'Testimonials' started by NotIndex, Jun 29, 2020.

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  1. NotIndex

    NotIndex Member

    May 15, 2020
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    Injection Process: 9/10 Works most of the time, but sometimes it will not inject and I will have to restart the game. After opening loader, it will say last injection failed because of something. You also have to play the game in windowed or else when fairfight takes a screenshot, your game will crash. Both of these are not deal-breakers.

    Soldier Aimbot: 8/10 Great. Not much to say, works as an aimbot is supposed to. Only concern is that sniper misses at very long ranges even when enemy and I are both standing still. Bone scan can also be a little dumb sometimes.

    Vehicle Aimbot: 3/10 There is a setting for aim speed in vehicle, and if you have anything over the minimum value, you will start to snap everywhere, not sure why this happens. When you do have vehicle aim speed at the minimum (can not be 0) it will miss people who are very far away and running. I am not sure why the vehicle aim speed can not be set to 0.

    Esp: 7/10 The visuals themselves do what it is supposed to do, but is lacking polish. Sometimes there will be a glitch where the esp box will be stuck in a past position of a vehicle or player, and the aimbot will keep shooting it. iirc the only way you can remove it is by getting close enough to it.

    Menu: 2/10 I don't want to be too harsh, but damn, this menu just looks bad. Also please add buttons or let us type what fov we want for fov sliders because once you get towards the end, it is hard to specify what fov you want. For example, if I want an aim fov of 4, I can only choose between 2 or 6 because the slider is so sensitive.

    Fairfight Risk/Ban features: 10/10 Magic bullet is great, killing everyone under from under point B in Operation Underground with a Lewis is very satisfying. Just make sure not to accidentally use it on an account you care about.

    Things I want to see implemented:
    Please add a fov limit for people you placed on your enemy (priority list). I don't want to turn 180 and shoot at them just because they are visible halfway across the map.

    Sidenote: I have played obvious for a whole month (meaning not using magic bullet but getting 80+ kills a game and very high kd) and my account is somehow still not banned. Very cool, Fairfight.

    I am writing this review a couple weeks after my sub ended so there's probably both good and bad stuff that I forgot.

    Final Verdict: 8.5/10 For 10 euros for 1 month, this is the best p2c for BFV on the market.
  2. Daniel23

    Daniel23 Banned

    Apr 19, 2020
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    Nice Review!
  3. Apollo

    Apollo EO Master Customer

    Apr 29, 2019
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    Thanks for your review! :)
    Unfortunately this is a bug from the game and its something we can't prevent or fix.
    twenty likes this.

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